Chapter 25

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Daryl's P.O.V

It has been awhile since I have seen Max and Colleen. I have been out here searching for Rick's body. I went to where it looked like he landed, but there was no body. I can't let it go. I need to find him. I know he is not dead.

I got a ride from Carol and Henry. I wondered what they were doing out here. The king was not with them. I don't know why but it feels like she wants something. I also found a dog too. He is pretty cool. He helps me and I help him. I like him.

"You fixed the boat since last time" asked Carol.

"Good dog" I said.

I was not trying to ignore Carol, but I wanted to know why she was here. She wanted or needed something.

"When's the last time you ate" she asked me.

"The dog ate yesterday" I said.

I knew what she ment. I was not worried about me. I was taking care of the dog. He needed food too.

"I'm not talking about the dog" she said with her attitude.

At this rate, she is probably going to end up staying here for the night.

Maxcine's P.O.V

We were on our way to hilltop. I ended up leaving Colleen at home.  I was going to take her, but I did not want to put her in danger with people I did not know. I knew someone would look after her. She also had Gracie to play with. I felt she was safer at home.

"How much further have the patrols cleared" asked Michonne.

"To the riverbend. It rigs about five miles past that. If their story checks out" said DJ.

"You'd feel better if you just say it" said Michonne.

"What makes you think I want to say something" asked Siddiq.

"I'm not hearing you deny it" said Michonne.

"I was going to tell you I am glad you changed your mind" he said.

"But you think I should let them stay in Alexandrea" said Michonne.

"But you are going pretty far out of your way not to. Considering it" said Siddiq.

"Considering what" asked Michonne.

"That you like these guys" said Siddiq.

"Really. That's what you think" asked Michonne.

"I am not hearing you deny it" said Siddiq.

I could hear these to go at it all day. It was pretty entertaining on this long ride to hilltop.

"Does not mean I trust them" said Michonne.

I hear and see these people talking about their situation. Some people can never be happy. We are taking them somewhere they will be safe and they want their weapons back. They can have them back when Maggie finds them a place and she trusts them.

"Look I am sorry about Magna. She can be a little hotheaded" said Yumiko.

"That is one word for it" I said.

"She has been on edge since we lost Bernie" said Yumiko.

"Was he with you long" asked Siddiq.

"Long enough. He loved to get under Magna's skin. he used to wear this absolutely horrid shirt. It was like looking into creation itself. Magna hated it. She said that it gave her migraines, so bernie wore it everyday for a week. Honestly I think she came around on the shirt. Like she came around on him" said Yumiko.

Trying to survive sequal to Farmers Daughter (A Daryl Dixion Fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now