Chapter 5

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I walk next to Soviet as the snow crunches under our feet.

"It really is beautiful out here." I say, admiring the trees and glow of the snow.

"Yeah, it is." Soviet agreed.

"So, what do you want to talk about?" I ask, looking towards Soviet.

He turns to face me as well.

"Um..." Soviet thinks for a bit. "I can't really think of anything." He says, rubbing the back of his neck.

I think for a bit too. "Why did you help me?" I ask after a while.

"What do you mean?" Soviet responds.

"Why did you help me when we first met, I just want to know why... as I can't think of a reason for it." I say.

Soviet thinks about what to say. "Well at first I saw you as someone entering my territory. I hadn't been in contact with anyone for a long time so I was cautious, I suppose. I saw you and I didn't feel threatened, I just saw someone who looked...... like they needed help or comfort from someone. I felt like I could relate to your situation of feeling lonely and... yeah, you were nice and I felt like I should help." Soviet finished.

I look towards Soviet who is looking ahead, not making eye contact. I didn't quite expect an answer like that.

"Well... I'm glad for that. Talking to you about my problems, even though I'm sure I bored you, really helped me. So thanks." I say to Soviet.

Soviet has a small smile on his face. "No problem. And It was never boring talking to you, I haven't talked to someone for a long time... I actually think the last person I talked to was my husband..." Soviet added on.

"Wow that's really long," I say surprised. "I'm sorry, Soviet."

"It's okay, you've actually taken it better than other people have..." Soviet said with a nervous laugh.

I get that same tight feeling in my chest.
"Better about what?" I ask.

"About me being... Gay." Soviet said almost embarrassed.

I feel like thousands of thoughts went through my head but they were too cloudy for me to even see or remember. That was a weird sensation. Again, something I just don't understand.

"Ah, I understand. I just treated you how I would want to be treated. There is a lot of homophobia in the world and I don't always understand it." I say to Soviet. "And no need to be embarrassed about it, you should be proud. It's a brave thing to openly say and be, although it shouldn't take that much bravery. It should be as normal as it raining in Britain." I add on.

I generally just replied with how I felt on the situation. I understand that there is still homophobia in my country and that there is a noticeable inequality because of this, but I hope to change this one day... although learning about it to understand how to make it better in my country, it's strange how most don't know until they find that one person.

"Thanks, Britain. That's about the best thing I've heard in a long, long time." Soviet said.

He had a generally happier look upon his face yet the blush from his embarrassment still remained there. Oh it's blush that's been on Soviets cheeks this whole time. But why was he blushing? I still assume it to be from the cold, blushing is a way of showing body heat so I think that's what was happening.

We both walk in silence again but I stop. Soviet stops as I do and looks at me confused.

"Why did you—?"

"Listen." I interrupt him.

Soon enough the footsteps of a moving animal can be heard in the snow ahead of us. I walk forwards but Soviet grabs my arm. I give him a confused and slightly annoyed look.

"It could be dangerous animal." Soviet says quietly.

"Have you never seen a deer before?" I ask nonchalantly.

"I have—"

"So you just haven't seen them enough to know what they sound like in the snow."

"I don't see how anyone can know that."

"Yeah, well I like deer. I find them to be very beautiful animals and you get a lot of them in the northern part of my country." I respond. "Plus there has clearly been deer here, they've taken the bark off the trees." I add on.

Soviet seems impressed. "You sound like you know your stuff, but what if you were wrong and it is dangerous animal?" Soviet asks me.

"I'll just have to rely on you to protect me." I reply.

With that said I walk slowly towards the sound. The wind is blowing a direction that the deer won't pick up our sent, so that's a stroke of luck. If it is a deer of course but I'm pretty sure it is.

As I walk closer to the sound, sure enough, I find a stag. It still walks along through the snow unaware of me.

I stand next to a tree and slightly lean against it as I watch the stag.

I feel hands on my shoulders and look up above my head to see Soviet right above me peering over my head looking at the stag intently. He looks like a small child finding a deer for the first time, which is cute. He is so focused on the stag. I look back to it as well. I count the points on its antlers.

"4...5...6..." I mutter under my breath. I count the other antler and their are six points on there too. "It's a Royal stag." I say louder and look up proudly to Soviet still standing above me.

He looks down at me and we are almost instantly in a super awkward situation as our faces end up being too close for comfort. I would move away if it weren't for the fact that Soviets reaction to becoming embarrassed was to grip tightly onto my shoulders and I was right about his strength earlier on, as I am held in place.
What do I do, what do I do, what do I do, what do I- Just look away Britain, you bloody idiot!

I look down at the snow, relieved to be out of that situation. I don't know why it was so nerve wrecking, it just was. My emotions have been confusing me so much and I'm becoming tired of it.
Soviets grip completely looses on my shoulders and I let out a slight sigh. The snow then crunches next to me. I look to my right to see Soviet just sitting down in the cold snow.

"You're gonna get really cold from that." I say as I straighten my back up, recovering from what just happened.

"Yeah but I'm 'Snow Guy'." Soviet replies as he looks at me with a complacent look on his face.

I let out a small giggle before sitting down in the snow next to him. I feel him tense up slightly. Must still be embarrassed. The snow is cold but I ignore it for now.

"You're gonna get cold." Soviet says looking towards me again.

I look back at him. "Yeah well snows made of water and comes from the clouds and so does rain meaning I, as the 'Rain Guy', can cope with it." I respond with the same complacent look Soviet gave me before.

Soviet rolls his eyes before giving a small smile. He looks in front of him at the deer which is now moving further away from us as we noticed it. There must not be many people coming here for the deer to be that calm.

"I guess that doesn't make us much different." He says as he watches the deer.

"I suppose so." I reply watching the deer as well, as it walks into the distance while we sit next to each other in the snow.


Well we're getting somewhere.
Expect chapters often (for now) as I use Wattpad to procrastinate on school work—

Stay Safe and...

Have a nice life!

Word Count: 1355

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