Chapter 4

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I open my eyes slowly and rub them when I see the light of the room.


What happened?

I blink a few times until my eyes adjust. I sit in a bed with the same clothes I had yesterday. The room had a bedside table with a lamp on it. There is a chest of draws and a mirror not so far away from it in the corner of the room. A painting of a beautiful lake hangs on the wall near the bedroom door.

Did I fall asleep last night? Well that was kind of a dumb question, of course I did, I just don't remember being so tired.

I stand up out of the bed, still a bit tired. My shoes are placed near the door. I never took them off last night when entering the house, which I admit was kind of rude of me, so I can only assume someone took them off for me.

I open the bedroom door. As I suspected yesterday, it is a hallway with four doors down it including the one I walked out of. I assume that three are bedrooms and the other will be a bathroom.

I walk down the hallway and open the door at the end of it to be greeted by the same room as yesterday in the wooden cabin. As I shut the door behind me and walk towards the sofa and fireplace I see Soviet already sat down on the sofa deep in thought. He sits on the sofa facing away from me and so I decide to get my revenge for him scaring me yesterday.

I sneak up on him with ease as I've always had light footing and never made that much noise when I walk. It was a good tactic to have when fighting someone. I tip toe closer to him.

Once close enough, I grab onto his shoulders while shouting really fast, "Saved your life!"

Soviet jumps off the sofa but doesn't scream. I practically burst out laughing at his face.

"I'm sorry, I just, I saw the opportunity and took it." I say in between laughs.

Soviet looks annoyed before shaking his head and smiling.

"You got me. I'll give you credit for that." He says before chuckling slightly himself.

Soviet sits back down on the sofa and I go and sit on the opposite one.

"Did I fall asleep last night?" I ask Soviet.

Soviet nods his head, his flag going to that different shade of red I saw before. My eyes just must not be used to the bright colour of his flag and so it's changing colour in the light. At least I assume.

"Да, we sat on bench for about half hour when you slowly fell asleep. Took me a while to realise too." Soviet said.

"Ah, so you also took me inside and put me in one of the bedrooms?" I ask.

I get a slight feeling in my chest as I ask this. I mean, we are only acquaintances so it's a bit embarrassing to think of Soviet carrying me through the house so that I could sleep in a bed. But I suppose that could be seen as a sweet thing... I'm not too sure.

"Um... да," Soviet said, appearing quite nervous himself. "I carried you to bedroom and I didn't want the covers to be dirty so I took your shoes off... but only shoes, never clothes, that would be rude and weird..." Soviet seemed to stumble on the words as he talked.

It almost makes me obtain his nervousness or I certainly feel something that makes me anxious.

"Yeah, yeah, I trust you not to. It's nice that you took me somewhere warm and didn't just leave me on the swing outside... I suppose." I say a little unsurely.

"Well I would need to because you no snow guy you a rain guy, you not live in that kind of cold." Soviet said with a chuckle.

I let out a giggle and Soviet freezes like the first time I laughed.

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