Chapter 27

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I walk with Soviet through the halls.

I assume Canada headed back to the living room. I don't blame him. I feel really bad for him having to experience this. The situation he's in isn't right, I wish it was different.

Me and Soviet hold hands the entire way. I plan to tell Canada about us very soon. I don't quite know when but I'm sure I'll be able to say it at some point tonight, if not tomorrow.
I want to feel more confident in telling people things instead of hiding it. And Soviet doesn't seemed bothered by it at all.

We let go of each other's hands as we get to the living room and sure enough Canada's sitting on one of the sofas.

"Did it go alright?" He asks us.

"Yeah, better than I thought it would." I reply with a smile.

Canada smiles back.

I forgot how wonderful it is to see your child smile.

"What's the time now then?" I ask.

"Almost 9pm." Canada responds.

"We've got time, I think we should get a board-game out." I say.

"Yes, yes!" Canada exclaims.

That's the reaction I wanted to see.

"You can pick, Canada. They're in the cupboard of that old-looking bookshelf in the corner." I point to where the bookshelf is.

I'm surprised I even remembered that but it was seeing that bookshelf that reminded me I even had board-games.

Canada goes to search through it.
There's not many, but it could be considered a lot for the amount that we would actually play—which wasn't often.

"I haven't played a board-game in ages." Soviet says quietly to me.

"Neither have I." I replied.

We both just smile at each other.

"I like simple ones, so how about pick-up-sticks?" Canada says holding up the small box.

Is that a board-game? It might just be a game—not specifically a 'board-game'—but oh well.

"Sure." I say.

We just decide to sit on the carpet floor so Canada pours the sticks out onto the ground, mixing them together a bit more to make it harder.

We sit around the small pile and begin taking turns.

It was fun and I enjoyed it. There was the playing of the game and then the conversation and jokes, a fun mix. Canada ended up winning the most out of all three of us, he does like simple games like he said. We decided to change the game and it got to playing a lot which just led to a fun board-game night.
It was definitely the return back home I needed.

Eventually we all get tired and agree it's time to get some rest. Canada goes off to the room he had been staying in while waiting for me to come back. I lead Soviet to a room of his own, which is in fact, next to my room.

"Night, Britain." Soviet says as we have one last hug to end the night.

"Goodnight, Soviet." I say to him as he steps into his room and shuts the door.

I slowly walk to my room and open the door, it opening with a loud creek. I shut it behind me and I look over my room.

It's a mess.

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