Chapter 21

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Soviets POV

I slowly wake up. The light of the room hurts my eyes but I quickly adjust.
Guess I can already tell it's morning.

I look down to find UK still asleep in my arms.

Last night felt too good to be true, but thankfully it was.

I hold onto UK, letting him sleep for a little bit longer.

I never thought I'd move on from my husband but this country flipped that around and I'm glad he did.

That moment last night where he pulled me back into a kiss was probably the most shocking and euphoric moment of my life, since my mournful isolation.

The thought of it wants to make me kiss Britain right now but that's probably too much romance.

I should probably wake him up, just to set myself free from this hug. Not that I want to leave it.

I look down to Britain who rests comfortably against my chest while embracing me.

He's too cute for my heart to take at times.

"Heya, Britain." I say softly and stroke his hair in an attempt to wake him up.

Luckily he wakes up first time, slowly fluttering his eyes open.

He looks up to make eye contact with me and smiles.

"Hey, Soviet." He says tiredly.

"Kind of got me trapped here." I joke, referencing our embrace.

"Yeah, I do." Britain slightly laughs.

We finally move away from each other and stand up to both stretch.

"That probably wasn't the best position to fall asleep in." Britain's says.

"Yeah." I agree. "But was too nice to notice consequence."

"That's true."Britain responds.

"I think we deserve a celebratory breakfast with..." I signal my hand for Britain to finish the sentence.

"Pancakes?" He questions.

"Pancakes!" I exclaim in confirmation.

Britain smiles brightly at that.

How could I not fall in love with this country.

As usual, I begin to cook the pancakes. This time I get Britain to make them with me and it seems as though he's already forgotten what I had taught him about making pancakes or he feels he's going to mess up every second and wants me to elaborate on everything single thing.
I don't mind though, it's a rewarding process.
We kind of joke around while making them and at one point Britain had stolen my ushanka but I got it back quickly.

We finish making the pancakes and sit down at our usual seats, sitting across from one another.
Both of us begin to eat.

"Soviet," Britain says, earning my attention.

"Yeah?" I ask as I look towards him.

"Thank you." Britain says.

"For what?" I ask, a bit confused.

"For... Everything." He says.

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