Chapter 1

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Most of this story will be in UK's Point Of View

My feet thudded on the ground as I sprint. I don't know where I'm going but I honestly don't care at this point. I just want to be alone. Everyone left me, everyone hates me. They've made that clear for sure.

My wife divorced me for another man. I would of been fine if it weren't for the way she had done it. She had been cheating. I hate to say it, but it was what happened. I confronted her many times but she denied it. One day she broke down in front of everyone shouting about how much of an awful husband I was. How I 'attacked' my kids and how I 'neglected' her. I have no idea where this came from but it did not end well for me. Everyone was toxic towards me because of all these lies my wife had said. I would of been fine if she had just talked to me about it. I would of understood what she had meant if she had just sat down and told me how she felt. But no. She has to act out a whole scene that makes me look like a horrible person.

My kids. They all left ages ago. France took the youngest by their choice and the other two had already left when they were old enough. Only one still talked to me but they haven't for a while now and I just couldn't help but think that I had lost someone else in my life. Why does that always happen?

Anyone I had the slightest relationship just leaves me. All I wanted was for someone to understand me. Someone to love me for me and not judge me for my past but for who I am in the present.

But the world is cruel. And that's not how life works. Life is unfair and at this point... I can't seem to find any point in it.

So I ran away.

I ran away from it all.

My legs ache in pain. I've been running for so long but I know if I stop I won't be able to run again, so I just keep on going.

The terrain is getting rough and I can feel it getting colder. I wish I had worn something else but all I wear is a simple polo shirt bow tie and trousers and I hold my top hat in my hand as it kept on falling off my head.

My face is wet with tears and the ever growing cold makes the tears sting my face. I don't really care. If anything, the pain there is a distraction from the pain I feel in my heart.

That pain always made me feel sick.

Before I know it, the ground is covered in snow. Running becomes a lot harder, especially with my normal black leather shoes.

It was that meeting that made me snap. All those countries just seemed to pick on me because of a decision I had made. I just wanted to leave so I could be alone. When I was with all of them... all they'd do is complain about me and how I run my country. I was just fed up with it and it was becoming too much to handle.

I tried reaching out to anyone but they either ignored me or didn't answer. I cried outside the building before picking myself up and just running away...

My legs feel weak and the cold is bitter and prickling my skin. Letting out a small cry, I fall down into the snow. My knees hit the cold white ground and I catch myself with my hands, slightly crushing my top hat. The cold instantly sends a cold tingling sensation throughout all the parts that had made contact with the snow. More tears fall down my face as I feel hopeless. I chuck my top hat away in slight anger.

I stare at the snow. I just think and cry.

What did I do?

Where did I go wrong?

How did I ever get here?



Hello everyone! Welcome to the story!

For those of you that have read my other book, you may of noticed that I am trying a different writing style. Just wanna see which I prefer.

I don't want to talk as much at the bottom of the chapters as I do in my other book, which I'm already failing as you can see, so most likely it will only be the word count. Which counts EVERY word, yes, even my random author nonsense. Oh, and also the message I leave in every chapter.

And "Привет" means "Hello" in Russian. I shall put translations-when needed-at the bottom of the chapters.

As always, Stay Safe and...

Have a nice life!

Word count: 806

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