Chapter 3

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I smile. "Well it's nice to meet you, Soviet."

"Nice to meet you too, Britain." Soviet says as he stands up straight again.

This country is quite tall I must say. I'm not exactly small, more average height, but Soviets height makes me feel short for once.

"You say you don't have a home?" Soviet asks.

I fiddle with my ruined top hat which I still hold in my hands. "I have a house but I wouldn't exactly call it home... it's more of a burden I can't escape if anything. I feel like I'm in a prison whenever I'm in the building..."

Soviet gives me a slightly confused look.

"It probably doesn't even make sense..." I say quickly feeling like I said something a bit stupid or was being greedy for talking badly about the house when I was lucky to have it.

"Нет, нет. I kind of understand." Soviet says. "You try to describe how it makes you feel but from the state you were in when I first found you, you obviously were dealing with something and weren't happy. So I'm guessing that's what you're trying to imply... you weren't happy."

"That's the simple way of putting it." I say with a slight nervous laugh.

Soviet raises an eyebrow. "Why were you not happy?"

I think about what to say. How do I explain something like that? It's probably a stupid thing and I'll sound like an idiot who can't put up with some bullying or that.

"W-Well..." I begin to say with a stutter. "I... I suppose it was a b-build up of many things... one after the other... I felt like I couldn't t-take a break, like something went w-wrong every second or someone w-was always disappointed in m-me... I felt... worthless? I sup-p-pose... and after a while... I just ran... I ran f-fast and far, I never w-wanted to see anyone there again..."

I make no eye contact with Soviet. I just stare at the snow. It's probably a stupid reason and this country most likely things I'm a crazy idiot or something...

"That doesn't sound nice. I understand why you would be sad" Soviet says. He pauses he seems to be thinking about what to say, almost seems nervous. "I get sad too, that's why I go on walks each night in the snow. Clear thoughts out my head. What I was doing tonight when I heard you. And ever since I've been talking to you, my sadness is gone. I think you are good country. Nice laugh and sweet voice, I don't see why anyone would be so disappointed in you."

My bad thoughts diminish when Soviet finishes speaking. I think about his words. He's helped me more than anyone. With all these emotions building up, without thinking, I swiftly hug the tall country.

"Th-thank you, Soviet." I said.

Soviet seems hesitant but wraps his arms slightly awkwardly around me. I can feel he's tense but he soon loosens up after a while.

I eventually let go of Soviet, although I instantly miss the warmth of the hug. It's really cold out I suppose.

"S-Sorry, that was probably really weird... I'm not good with other countries." I say with another nervous laugh.

Soviet shakes his head. "It fine, it took me by surprise but I suppose that's what I get for scaring you earlier." He says with a slight laugh.

I also give a small laugh. I feel a lot better now. I suppose I really did just need someone to talk to.

Once again Soviet looks around the landscape focusing on the sun. I do so too and the sky is a pretty pink due to the suns position as it sets.

"We should be leaving soon. Woods can get scary at night. To foreigners at least." Soviet says as he turns back to face me.

Met In The Snow-Countryhumans Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon