Chapter 29

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Soviet's POV

I had to answer the door when France had arrived.
It had been a busy day, I suppose. Britain spending time with his sons. They are wild children, and I applaud Britain greatly, but he seemed to have had fun looking after them. It made me happy to see him happy.

But as I said, they are wild children, and it tired them all out, running around and nearly breaking things. Actually, they did break things. The kids seemed to be trying to break things on purpose. So, Britain searched through the house to find things he didn't want or weren't working, and took them outside for the kids to break.
Wild children.

They were all so tired, they went to watch a movie and fell asleep on the living room couch. Huddled together. It was sweet, really.

It made me think of my kids.
God, I feel so guilty.
I promised to take them in and take care of them in a new family then... just abandoned them...
It wasn't that I left them in a forest or that, it was that... I was continuing my life without paying attention to anyone else. Like, nothing anyone said I would hear; nothing anyone did I would see, but I did, I just didn't react to it.
And eventually, the kids left.
They were old enough to and I just did... nothing.
What I would give to say sorry to them.
To tell them I've moved on and have started a new with someone else.

France seems a bit confused to see me answer the door.

"You're still staying here?" She asks.

To me, that sounded like a pretty stupid question.

"Yes." I say, "I'm staying with boyfriend who needs the company."

"Needs? Do you not just see it as attention seeking?"

"You, ma'am, are definition of ignorant person." I say, annoyed at her words.

She continues to just stare at me, seemingly angered, but soon looks away to look inside the house, as if expecting for someone to be there or suddenly appear.

"They've fallen asleep." I say to her.

"Oh." She mutters, she appears to ponder something before continuing, "I don't want to wake them, they're a nightmare to put to sleep, do you think they could stay the night? I'll pick them up in the morning."

"That's a question which should really be asked Britain but—"

"Wow, so you two really are serious."

"Excuse me?"

"I thought it was some joke to make me feel jealous, it was the reason I was confused. But he would never allow you to call him Britain if you two weren't really close." France explains.

It's my turn to just stare at her.

Did she really think it was a joke?
Why would anyone think that?
That's so weird...
Is it a popular thing to do that and think that?
How long have I been living at my house with no knowledge of what modern trends would be like?
Modern trends?
Is that even right?
She's confused? I'm more confused than her.

"I'm choosing to ignore that. I think Britain would fine with kids staying night. It's nice for him to see his kids and... all." I say.

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