Chapter 14

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Me and Soviet stay on the porch swing in silence. The snow still gently falling from the sky. It was less blinding, as the sun was getting closer to setting. Although, depending on your position I suppose you could argue it would be more brighter.

Soviet really did let me sleep in, huh? I appreciate that. It's nice to finally be catching back up on my sleep with the many sleepless nights I've already had.

Nightmares have always plagued me. A lot has happened to me in my lifetime—and it's the same for every country, really. But being one of the biggest at one point I witnessed and... did things I sometimes wish never happened.
But you can't change history or destiny. It shaped me into the country I am today, as much as I despise myself sometimes.

The tense silence is becoming a bit unpleasant. Mainly because of the awkward behaviour I had shown not so long ago.
Can't make up my mind on wether I regret it or not.

"Awkward silence again..." Soviet says with a slight chuckle.

"Yeah..." I awkwardly say.

"Well, I think we can start conversation or find something do."
Soviet thinks for a little bit.
"Anything you like? Any hobbies?"

I ponder to myself for a bit.

It's been a while since I've done anything to my liking... what was the last enjoyable thing I did?

"I suppose dancing..." I say. "Though I'm not very good at it." I quickly add on.

In truth, I've been taught dancing from a young age. Can't be the 'formal country' if you don't know how to do ballroom dances, can you?
And in even more truth, I taught my children how to do basic dances, too. I wish I could of spent more time with them... I'm sorry that they had to live with split parents... I just didn't know what I was getting myself into.

Love is quite the confusing thing but is quite beautiful.
It's painful how fast it can change.
One minute it's saving you and next it's trying to drown you.

(Heh, any NF fans? Because I'm unoriginal, I took that last sentence from his song 'Thing Called Love' I recommend listening to it—really good song.)

"I'm sure you're good dancer. I've barely danced in life so don't expect me to remember how do basic dance." Soviet says.

"I could teach you."
Words just seem to fall out of my mouth these days.

"Really? What dance?" Soviet asks while looking towards me.

"Basic Waltz?" I question.

"Sounds fun." Soviet says and stands up.

He extends his hand out towards me.
He's obviously copying that from a movie or he's lying about not knowing how to dance.

"Right now?" I ask.

"I don't see why not now?" Soviet responds.

With that I take his hand and he gently pulls me up off the porch swing. Didn't expect him to actually pull me off but I just go with it for now.

We walk out into the open snow and then stand still. I turn to Soviet.

"So we'll start with how you position your hands." I say.

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