Chapter 12

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Me and Soviet sat and talked at the table, slowly drinking our cups of tea. I was glad to know that he liked the tea. Everyone likes their tea differently and makes it in different ways. It can also depend on your mood, at least I have learned so. I'm more likely to make a cup of tea when I'm sad than when I'm happy. It's always been a comfort drink for me. The warmth and sweetness in it has always managed to calm me in my worst states.

I've probably been the calmest I ever have been in this moment. Not only does the tea calm me but I've found out that Soviets voice also calms me. It's a little embarrassing, I suppose, but I just think he has a really nice voice and it's managed to put me at ease.

"Britain, you okay? You look like you're staring right through me." Soviet says and my focus goes to him.

I suppose I wasn't paying attention, which was quite rude of me.

"Yeah sorry, guess I got caught up in my thoughts a little bit." I apologise to Soviet.

"Is okay." Soviet responds. "I was ask how you knew about deer in woods being royal deer. Never really got ask you because of embarrassing moment."

"Ah, yeah." I say nervously, recalling the moment. "Royal deers—or stags—have 12 points on their antlers—six per antler. Although that's red deer... I should of taken the time to look at it closer, I just instantly saw it as a red deer because of them being native to my country, I guess. Further North specifically, too."

"That's an interesting fact." Soviet says. "How did you find that out?" He asks.

I can see he just has no idea what to talk about and is just asking anything at this point, so he's pushing on the subject. I don't mind, though.

"I read a book about it." I say happily.

I've always liked books. A good proportion of fiction and non-fiction. I love fantasy and I love books on nature—animals specifically. Other books are good too. Books are another calming mechanism of mine, I suppose I have quite a few as I've always needed it a lot.

"I can tell you like books, then." Soviet says with a soft smile.

"Absolutely." I say. "A good book always makes me happy. It's enticing and just good fun. It helps build your imagination, sometimes I have to go and read over something again because I imagined the completely wrong scene. The authors are amazing. I never really understand how some of them do it, how they come up with it. It's so fascinating—" I pause.
"I'm going on a whole rant, aren't I?"

Soviet lets out a short chuckle. "Да. I don't mind, it seems to be keeping you happy and something of your interest."

I smile at Soviet.
"Guess I do like books quite a lot." I say, slightly embarrassed.
I got in way to deep with that.

"I can't say I like books as much as you." Soviet says.

"You don't like books?" I ask him, almost in disbelief.

"They don't fulfil my type of entertainment,." Soviet says with a shrug.

Even though I don't fully want to, I have to accept that books aren't for everyone... most movies start off as books anyway so you can't say you entirely hate books. Without them you wouldn't have movies such as the Harry Potter or Hunger Game series, even Jaws was based off a novel, don't get me started on Stephan King. Even though I could never watch a movie based on Stephan King's books. Horror isn't my style... I do get scared quite easily, but just not in a way that you'll realise. I remain silent while completely terrified on the inside.

"What's your type of entertainment then?" I ask Soviet.

"... I guess I like... um... Scary movies?"

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