Chapter 5

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Teen Fiction #709 Wooooooo! :D




Chapter 5


(Lacey’s POV)


I pulled away from the kiss and Jayden placed his forehead on mine. We both stood there breathing heavily.

“Leave her and be with me” I whispered. I opened my eyes to see Jayden with his still shut and a slight grimace on his face.

He sighed and pulled away “I can’t” he mumbled

“Why not?” I demanded “you wouldn’t kiss me like that if you didn’t have feelings for me”

Jayden rubbed his face with his hands “of course I still have feelings for you!”

“Then why can’t you be with me?” my voice started to rise as I got even more frustrated

“It’s complicated!”

I walked towards him and cupped his face in my hands “then let me help you” I said softly

He was about to reply when someone cleared their throat from the doorway. We jumped apart and turned towards my classroom door.

Isabelle stood there with a scarily big smile on her face “Hey Jaydey” she placed a kiss on his lips “Ready to go” she pouted while stroking his chest

“Yeah” he mumbled and walked out

Isabelle turned towards me with a glare “Stay away from my man bitch” she spat and strutted out

I stood there with my mouth open as she walked out. All I was thinking was please trip, please trip. To my disappointment she didn’t.

Sighing I collected all on my stuff and made my way out to my car to drive home. On the car journey home I kept thinking back to the kiss Jayden and I shared. If I liked Isabelle I would feel guilty about kissing him but I don’t. Is that really bad?

I pulled up in front of my house and saw that I had some mail in my box so I grabbed that and made my way into my house.

I shoved my bag onto the kitchen work top and looked down at the mail in my hands. Right on top was a postcard with big ben on the front. Mom and dad had gone on a vacation to London, England for a few weeks. Something about needing a break.

Hey honey! Hope everything is okay and you’re fitting into your new job nicely! England is amazing! London is a bit crowded but when you get to the edge of the city, the countryside is beautiful. We’ve visited so many places and got a souvenir for you when we get back in a week. See you soon!

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