you wear her sweater

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A rush of cool air woke you from your sleep.

You could hear Leigh-Anne's soft breaths from across the bed, as well as the branches on the trees swaying from side to side as the wind blew, causing more cool air to come inside the room from the open window.

You usually don't mind the window being left open, but the weather was cooler than usual tonight and you should've closed it before you fell asleep, but you were both so tired that sleep overtook you before you got the chance.

You looked at Leigh-Anne watching the way her chest rose and fell steadily as she slept soundly. You managed to get out of bed and close the window without waking her, but you still felt cold even after the window was shut.

You tiptoed across the tiled floor and into the closet. You looked around for something warm to throw on and your gaze fell onto one of Leigh-Anne's sweaters. You brushed your fingers over the fabric, it was so soft, sure to keep you warm.

You pulled off your light short-sleeved shirt and threw on the sweater. You could smell Leigh-Anne's perfume across it, barely lingering there. You smiled to yourself and made your way back to bed to find that she had woken up. She was rubbing the sleep from the corners of her eyes to get a better look around the dark room for you.

"There you are," she spoke, voice still laced with sleep.

You nodded and made your way back to bed. Leigh-Anne moved her blanket closer to you so you could cover up with it too, but she stopped when she noticed what you were wearing. Even through her tired haze, she couldn't help but smile a little. You just looked too cute.

"You're wearing my sweater."

You giggled when she kissed your nose.

"And you look so cute!" She cooed and pulled you into her arms, bringing you as close to her as she could. She draped the blanket to your stomach and kissed your neck a few times. "I love it when you wear my clothes, and I love you so much."

You closed your eyes and hummed against her shoulder. "Love you more," you whispered as you drifted off to sleep, but you heard one last thing before you got there.

"That's impossible. I love you the most."

Leigh-Anne Pinnock Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now