she's sick

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The sound of a loud cough coming from the bathroom woke you up with a jolt. You groaned and looked at the time, finding it was only a little after two am. You saw the sheets where Leigh-Anne lays were messy and pushed away.

You saw the bathroom light was on but didn't really think much of it at first. You put your head back on your pillows and tried to fall back asleep, but once again you heard coughing coming from the bathroom, but this time what sounded like gagging quickly followed.

You got out of bed and went to the bathroom. You raised your hand to knock on the door but when you heard the distinct sound of Leigh-Anne vomiting, you didn't hesitate to throw the door open and walk inside.

Your girlfriend hung her head as she threw up her dinner. She was sweating but also looked like she was shivering. You sat behind her and started to rub her shoulders in soft circles. "It's okay, Leigh. Let it all out, that's it." You cooed, trying to encourage her to get whatever was left in her system up.

When she finished she laid her head back on your shoulder and tried to catch her breath. You got up to get her some water before handing it over to her. But when her hands shook so badly she was nearly spilling the water out of the plastic cup and onto the floor, you gently took it from her hands and held it for her as you raised it up to her lips and helped her take a few sips.

"Good?" You asked, rubbing her back soothingly as she let out a groan. "I think so." She mumbled, wiping the sweat on her cheeks. "Think you can come back to bed?" She bit her lip and waited a minute before nodding her head and standing up with your help.

You guided her back to bed and moved the empty trash can closer to her. You also grabbed her another shirt, considering she had sweat through the one she had on. "I feel disgusting," she whined after you helped her into the clean shirt. You threw the dirty one in the hamper and moved a strand of hair behind her hair.

"I know you do, baby. I'm sorry but you'll feel better soon." Her eyelids felt too heavy to keep open so she patted the sheets where you lied. "Lay with me?" You complied, laying down and letting her curl up in your embrace.

"Get some sleep. I'll be right here when you wake up." She nodded weakly, her head resting on your chest as she fell asleep, hoping to wake up feeling better and not worse.

Leigh-Anne Pinnock Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now