hate (requested)

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"Baby, you can't keep scrolling through all of this. You're getting overwhelmed." Leigh-Anne softly spoke as she sat on the edge of the bed with you.

She caught a glimpse of the hateful things that are being sent to you and it broke her heart.

She's been the target of hateful words and trolls for the last several years of her life. She knows just how much it hurts. Even if your skin is thick, such hurtful and hateful things can turn it thin.

She's taken the next few days off to focus on you.

It was just yesterday that someone leaked your relationship.

Neither of you knows who or why just yet but it was the biggest shock, especially since you enjoyed falling in love with each other behind closed doors more than anything.

You're serious and you've been together for about ten months.

You've managed to keep things private until now and it sucks that it couldn't have been either of you that got to speak out about your relationship to the public, as it should be for people like Leigh-Anne, those in the public eye.

Feeling extremely protective of you right now, Leigh wasn't leaving your side for a while.

The only thing she's done so far is go downstairs to fix you both some food since you need to eat.

She couldn't decide what to make though so she came up here to ask, only to find you on your phone, and that leads to where you're at now.

"Please let me have your phone, my love." She pleaded and you handed it to her a few seconds later, too tired and too heartbroken to read anymore.

She turned it off, hoping everything would be out of sight and out of mind.

But that's not the way things work, not things like this.

You continued to cry and she instinctively pulled you into her arms.

"I know people's words hurt, baby. I know they do. Let it all out, I'm right here."

You sniffled and laid your head back on her shoulder.

"Why is everyone so mad at us? Why does everyone hate me just because we're in love?"

The reason was simple and she knows you know it already, it just doesn't make sense as to why it would ever fuel people to be so hateful.

"Jealousy is a terrible thing, baby. People are just upset that you're the one that I'm in love with. But that's too bad for them. They're going to have to come to terms with it sooner or later. I don't care about what everyone wants for me anymore. I want you. I love you. I'm not letting you go and I don't care who dislikes that."

She kissed your head softly and rubbed your back comfortingly but you just continued to cry, clearly feeling quite awful about yourself, which broke her heart.

She reached for her phone and then unlocked it before she began typing something out quickly and furiously.

"Leigh? What are you doing?"

"I'm saying something about this. I can't handle seeing you this heartbroken anymore."

"Leigh-Anne, you can't."

"I can, y/n." She softly spoke as she hit the send tweet button before she kissed your forehead. "And I just did."

She placed her phone on your lap, letting you read over what she said.

It was clear she was fed up, making it known that she was very upset about what she was reading.

I'm not sure why so many people are so upset and are sending such awful things to my girlfriend but these things are horrible and disgusting. You should be happy that I'm in love and I've found someone that makes me happier than I've ever been before. If you can't support us or at least be happy for me, then please go find another group to listen to. My girl isn't going anywhere. Get used to it.

You smiled through your tears and she pecked your lips.

"That's what I love to see."

"I love you. Thank you for everything."

"I love you too and, baby, don't thank me. That needed to be said. I hope it helps make it known to these so-called fans of ours that I'm in love with you and I'm not letting you go. I'd rather lose these fake fans than lose you."

You pecked her lips a few times before putting your head on her shoulder, feeling so grateful to have found someone so amazing.

Leigh-Anne Pinnock Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now