you're on your period

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The pain in your stomach was unbearable. You kept rolling around on the couch, desperately trying to find a position that would make the cramps easier to deal with. But you couldn't seem to find one and every passing second only made you feel worse and worse.

To make this all worse - your heating pad is upstairs and Leigh-Anne is at the studio making it impossible to get ahold of it.

It's not just cramps that has you feeling so miserable. You also feel sick and fatigued, but you couldn't even think about getting to sleep feeling like you are now. You let out another groan, this one louder than the last.

Your phone was on the floor, but being in so much pain you couldn't even reach out to grab it. Tears fell from your eyes. You felt so miserable, and a little anxious since you're dealing with this all on your own.

But, by some miracle, right at that very moment you heard keys in the front door. It opened just a few seconds later to reveal your girlfriend stepping inside. She was about to yell out for you when she heard you groan from the couch.

She saw you laying on your stomach with one hand clutching your stomach and the other gripping the cushion of the couch. "Y/n!" She dropped all of her things on the floor before rushing over to you.

She knelt down on the floor and put her hand on the small of your back. "What's wrong, baby? What is it?" She asked you as she wiped the tear the fell from the corner of your eye.

"I started my period and I have really bad cramps. I don't feel good. I left my heating pad upstairs and I can't get it, I can't move." You cried and Leigh-Anne immediately sprang into action. "It's okay, my baby. I'll get it for you."

She kissed your head and ran up the stairs, racing back down a minute later with your heating pad. She plugged it in and helped you roll on your back so she could put it over your stomach. She made sure it was at the highest setting and it only took a minute for you to feel the familiar and comforting warmth on your stomach.

You let out a sigh, finally feeling slightly relieved for the first time in hours. "Anything else I can do for you?" She asked as she moved some hair away from your face. "Can I have some water?" She laid a kiss to your forehead and got up to get you a glass of water.

She held it to your lips and helped you take a few sips before she put it on the table. "Anything else?" Your eyes started to feel a little heavy and for the first time all day, you actually felt okay enough to fall asleep.

"Can you hold me?" She kicked off her shoes and managed to climb on the couch behind you. She wrapped her arm around you, careful not to move the heating pad that was the only thing keeping your cramps at bay.

You felt her lips press against your cheek and you closed your eyes. "Go to sleep, pretty girl. I'm here if you need anything."

You felt around for her hand and laced your fingers together before you let yourself give in to the sleep that your body so desperately craved.

"Sweet dreams, y/n." She whispered quietly and kissed your neck right before you fell asleep, finally starting to feel better.

Leigh-Anne Pinnock Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now