she forgets your birthday

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"Baby?" Leigh-Anne whispered in your ear before laying a kiss beneath it. "Wake up, my love."

Your eyelashes fluttered against your cheeks until you opened your eyes to find Leigh-Anne staring back at you. She brushed a lock of hair behind your ear and dropped a kiss to your temple.

"What time is it?" You groaned.

"Eight am." She replied. "I know it's early but it's a big day!"

Your heart fluttered as you gazed into her sparkly eyes. It's your birthday and though you're not huge on celebrating it, it still made you feel good hearing your girlfriend refer to it as a big deal.

"Oh? Is it?" You asked excitedly, sinking your teeth into your lip as you wondered what she had up her sleeve and prepared to be attacked with kisses and tickles like she's given you for the last two birthdays you've celebrated by her side.

"Yep! Gotta go off to the studio so the girls and Ii can officially work on our new album!"

You didn't say anything and simply stared at her for a second. You frowned but thought she'd burst out giggling saying it was a joke before she wished you a happy birthday and gave you as many kisses as your heart desired - which was a lot.

But she didn't laugh and she didn't say anything about it being a joke.

"Wait? Are you serious?"

"Yeah." She chuckled. "It's gonna be huge! I'm so excited!"

You pushed her away and swung your legs over the bed. You reached for your phone to confirm that it was really your birthday today, wondering if you somehow got confused. But the date on your phone confirmed that it's your birthday and so did the messages from your friends, family, and even the girls.

"Are you upset?" She wondered, feeling a little confused. "Why?"

"Nothing. It's not important."

She just shrugged her shoulders and got out of bed to slip on her shoes.

"I was gonna give you a kiss goodbye. That's why I woke you. Can I please give you one?" She asked and walked to you to try to kiss your lips, but you turned your head and her lips hit your cheek instead.

She scoffed and grabbed her keys and phone from the nightstand.

"Fine. Be like that." She said in frustration. "Have a good day. Love you."

And just like that, she was out the door and pulling out of the driveway to drive off to the studio, leaving you alone.

You didn't feel like replying to your texts from your friends or the tweets that you saw fans constantly sending out and mentioning you in. You were appreciative, of course. But you were too sad to even think about celebrating.

Instead, you brushed your teeth and turned on a movie to keep yourself occupied and help pass the time. You wanted the day to fly by, to end already.

Meanwhile, Leigh-Anne had arrived at the studio. Before she got out of her car her phone began to ring and when she saw it was Perrie, she quickly answered it.

"Hey! I'm at the studio now, I'll be in soon." She said, thinking that Perrie was just calling to ask where she was.

But Perrie just chuckled nervously, clearly confused as she asked, "What do you mean?"

"I'm here at the studio like we planned. Remember? We started recording today."

"Uh, no, we don't. Today is your girlfriend's birthday and that is how we planned to celebrate the day. Remember? You celebrate together this morning and then you bring her over for the small party we're throwing for her."

Leigh-Anne went wide-eyed and speechless, which was enough to let Perrie know that she'd clearly gotten confused and lost track of her days.

"Oh, Leigh, tell me you didn't forget."

"I'm sorry! I confused the days."

"I'm not the one you need to be apologizing to," Perrie said before sighing heavily. "Go home. Make it up to y/n."

She was driving home right after those words fell from Perrie's lips. It felt like forever before she arrived despite it being only a few long minutes. Her mind was busy and she was trying to think of how she'd ever begin to make this all up to you.

She rushed through the front door and up the stairs, where she found you in bed with your cheek against the pillow as you stared ahead at the tv and watched a film. She rushed to you and tried to hug you but you rolled away from her, as far as you possibly could.

She hung her head, a sad sigh falling from her lips.

"You've got every right to be upset with me." She mumbled. "If I were you, I'd be so hurt. I'm so sorry that I forgot your birthday, y/n. I swear I am. Things have been so busy and I mixed up my days."

You didn't say a word, causing her to grow sadder and feel even guiltier.

"Is there anything I can do to make it better? I'll do anything."

It was silent for a moment before you finally spoke.

"Do you even realize why I'm so hurt? Exactly what you just said. You're so busy. That's how things have been lately. I wake up and you're gone or getting ready to leave and I'm either asleep before you get home or you're so tired when you come home early that you head up to bed. It's my birthday and I thought I'd finally get some time to spend with you."

"And you will. I promise." She said, trying to reach for your hand to hold it in hers. "I know I messed up. I know you're mad and I know you're hurting. I know I've been so busy lately but I will make things better. Okay? Just please give me the chance to make it all up to you."

"How?" You asked and rolled over to face her.

"However you want me to. What do you wanna do?"

"I wouldn't mind cuddling and maybe eating some takeout from my favorite spot."

"And dessert, right? It's only a proper birthday when you get to make a wish and blow out the candle." She smiled.

"I have you by my side for the rest of the day?"

"Yeah, of course you do, baby." She assured and squeezed your hand.

"Then I've got all I could ever want." You said and laid your head on her chest. "I'll forgive you but you have to watch the rest of this bad movie with me and hold me for a while."

"Happily." She giggled. "I love you so much, truly. Happy birthday, baby girl."

You grinned and let her kiss your lips, smiling against hers when she turned it into a passionate one.

"I'll never forget your special day again. I promise I'll spend the entire day making it all up to you. I love you."

"Love you, Leigh-Anne." You whispered, finally feeling content in her arms and happy that you could finally spend a day in her embrace.

Leigh-Anne Pinnock Imagines (gxg)Where stories live. Discover now