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February 6, 1980

Stevie swallows thickly for the seventh time on the slightly chilly and rainy Wednesday. And then finally she gives in to the turning stomach and runs to the bathroom attached to her office and expells the grapefruit she ate for breakfast. When she goes to stand up another wave attacks her and she collapses back over the toilet her hand finding her stomach. 

"Dammit, Ruth!" Stevie groans. 

They had eaten dinner with the extended family the night prior and Ruth made some shrimp dish. The sight of it made Stevie's stomach turn and she vaguely remembers her telling her mother in law that they were canines, not felines so it didn't make sense as to why they were eating crustaceans. But once she got into the shrimp dish she did like it, she just doesn't think her stomach does. 

"Is it food poisoning though?" Lily perks up in the back of her head.

"I'm sure it is Lily...you would've said something if I was pregnant." Stevie states and then she thinks about it a little bit more. 

"Wait...are you telling me that I'm pregnant?" 

"I'm not telling you anything. It's probably Food Poisoning." 

"Lily...am I pregnant?" Stevie questions.

"I don't know...are you pregnant?" Lily responds. 

"NO HELP!" Stevie states.

Deciding she needs to know if she's pregnant she debates on going to Dr. Harris but then she quickly decides against it knowing that it's going to get out really quickly if she goes to the pack doctor so she goes to her vehicle and heads into town. 


She was in the middle of throwing up when the egg timer went off so as soon as she knew or at least thought her stomach was empty she collapsed against the side of her soaker tub and stares at the test in her hand a plus sign glaring up at her. 

"Oh my god, Lily we're having another pup...but, but I...I don't want to bring another baby into the house the way things are going between me and Lindsey." 

"Not one baby," Lily smirks.

"Wait what?" Stevie asks her hand falling to her stomach. 

"We're bringing two more babies into the house...and the way things with you and Lindsey are the way they are is because you're refusing to give an inch. He's explained his reasoning and while I don't like it either I trust Adams and you should too. Lindsey might not be a moral compass but Adams is." Lily explains. 

"Lily...I'm having another set of twins...is...is..." Stevie starts.

"They're both perfectly healthy and if you don't believe me shift and find out for yourself," Lily demands. 

The truth of the matter is, Stevie doesn't trust Lily. Not after the debacle with Eli and Ella so she does shift in the middle of her master bathroom floor. When she hears the two heartbeats she breathes out a sigh of relief and then she shifts again and heads into her bedroom intending to curl up and sleep. She may not necessarily be tired now, but she knows that as her pregnancy progresses she's going to be so she sinks into the mattress, and when she does almost surprisingly an overwhelming feeling of tiredness comes over her.


 When Lindsey gets home she immediately smells Kristen on him and she bolts out of the bed and pushes him out of the way to throw up in the toilet.

"Steph I really have to pee." He whines opening the door his mouth falling when he sees her throwing up bile into the toilet as she had nothing left in her stomach. 

"Are you okay?" He questions. 

She just holds up a shaky thumbs up and he goes over to her and he rubs her back.  

"She's going to tell you otherwise but she's pregnant..." Adams appears in Lindsey's head as he lightly grazes her back. 

"We're having another baby?" Lindsey cocks his head and asks his wolf. 

"Two...twins...one boy, one girl. Much like the first set of twins the girl is the first one. But this time they both are extremely healthy." Adams informs him.

"How's she handling it?" Lindsey questions.

"I don't know...Lily just told her about it." Adams informs him.

"Well, at least all three of them are healthy." Lindsey smiles at his wolf as Stevie wipes her mouth and falls back into his arms. 

He's taken aback at first. Things have been tense since the night that she accidentally stood him up. She won't touch him or talk to him because even after she's asked him not too he's still been hanging around with Kristen. He thinks she's being entirely too unreasonable but he's sick of arguing about it with her so he just keeps doing what he's doing and he takes the brunt of her cold exterior. But then again, he's not any better. Lindsey, Stevie, and the McVie's are set to discuss Tom's finished proposal and the blueprints that he and Stevie had made up. And even though the meeting is scheduled for Friday he doesn't know how to feel about the whole thing. Especially because she and Tom have been just as friendly as he and Kristen have been. 

"I think your mother's shrimp stuff didn't agree with me." She shakes her head.

"Everyone else ate it and was fine." He shrugs scrubbing her biceps.

"Well, that was the fifth time I've thrown up today." She states.

"Could it be something else." He questions. 

"Dammit, you know don't you?" She sighs.

"Of course I know. I'm your mate and those are my pups." He states.

"Did Adams at least tell you what they are?" Stevie asks.

"Boy and a girl." Lindsey nods.

"Good." Stevie sighs.

"Good?" Lindsey asks.

"Ella wants another little sister. She told me that Saturday after our botched dinner. She wanted us to get to work on it." Stevie sighs. 

"You don't seem to happy," Lindsey tells her.

"Because I'm not." She states.

"What do you mean you're not. You love the girls and you Love Eli." Lindsey tells her.

"I didn't want to bring another baby into an unhappy household. Not to mention two." She tells him.

"Unhappy, you think we're unhappy?" Lindsey asks.

"Lindsey we've been fighting constantly about Kristen." Stevie sighs.

"So that's simple, we stop fighting about Kristen," Lindsey tells her.

"Stop seeing her." Stevie spits.

"I"m not 'seeing' her, she's my friend. She doesn't have any friends in this pack and I'm just trying to be a good Alpha." Lindsey tells her.

"But you're not the Alpha...you're the Alpha's mate. You don't have to be friends with everyone and you most certainly don't have to be friends with her." Stevie spits.

"Wow...i'm not the Alpha. Fine then." He lets go of her and he makes his way into the master bedroom. 

"What are you doing...Lindsey...why are you packing your suitcase..." Stevie bites her lip. 

"Because I'm not the Alpha. And because I'm not the Alpha I shouldn't be living in the Alpha's house." Lindsey spits. 

"No, Lindsey...that's not what I meant...don't leave." Stevie whimpers. 

"I need to leave. I think if I leave it'll be better for both of us. We can gather our heads and figure out where we stand with not only ourselves but each other." Lindsey slams his suitcase lid. 

"No Lindsey please don't leave." She begs.

"I'm sorry Stevie. I love you, really I do but I can't be here right now. I'm sorry." Lindsey brushes past her and her lip wobbles as she hears the front door slam. 

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