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"I would never kill our pup." She huffs plopping down on his bed and grabbing at his pillow, crying into it. 

"Well, I mean you keep saying you don't want a pup and you put us through hell for three days before giving in to mate with him over our heat. It's pretty clear that he wants a pup and I want a pup too." Lily responds to her other half.

"How can you and I, the same person have two different opinions on pups?" Stevie questions.

"Maybe deep down you and I have the SAME opinion about pups but you just won't admit it." Lily shuts herself up as Lindsey enters the bedroom and just stares at her. 

"What the fuck are you doing here?" He asks. 

"I felt bad and I was going to apologize and then I came down here to that. I'd never kill our pups and it pains me that you think I would." She huffs.

"Stevie you don't want kids. What am I supposed to think? Wolves can't get abortions so that leaves us with adoption, or murder and I'm not letting you give our pups up for adoption." Lindsey spits.

"But why did you go and say you wanted her to be your mate?" She presses.

"Why Stevie, I want her to be my mate because unlike with you, I can see a future with her. She makes breakfast with us Omegas. she practically lives down here and she's a really good friend. I've been beaten and picked on by your pack since I could walk and for the first time in a long time, she makes me happy. She makes me feel like I should feel with you." He tells her.

"What don't you feel like when you're with me?" She asks.

"I don't feel happy, I don't feel loved, I don't feel respected, I don't feel cared about, I don't feel important, I don't even think you like me. But I've had a crush on you since High School and you know what, we should be married by now. But no, because of your stupid rules we aren't. I should be ruling over this pack with you and I'm not. And that's not what matters. I don't care that I'm not running the pack but it's just the principle of the thing." He growls. 

"I do like you...and I didn't know that you had a crush on me in High Schol. What do you feel with me?" She questions. 

"With you, I feel a lot of things. I feel worthless, stupid, forced, upset, and useless...but everyone had a crush on you in High School." Lindsey explains.

"What can I do to make it better?" Stevie questions.

"You can't make it better. Steph. I want to be proper mates with you, I want to show how much I love you, how fucking psyched I was when I found out that you were my mate. But I can't. So until I can do that you can't help me." Lindsey tells her.

"Just please stop seeing Carol." She begs.

"I can't do that Steph. She's my best friend and I'm not going to stop hanging out with her because you want me too." 

"As your Alpha Female, I demand that you stop seeing Carol." Stevie spits a low growl appearing behind her words-the Alpha voice-but the problem with that is the Alpha voice doesn't work on mates. 

"Go fuck yourself, get out of my bedroom," Lindsey demands.

"Lindsey..." She starts.

"Just go. I don't want to see you right now. We just spent two and a half days together and it was amazing but you were too heat-fogged to remember it. But then I was greeted with two slaps this morning and now you're telling me I can't hang out with my friend. You're just a cold-hearted bitch." He shakes his head. 


Carol watches as Stevie runs out of the basement tears in her eyes and Stevie looks back at her and it just makes the tears fall in the other woman's eyes harder. When Lindsey finally appears Carol gives him scolding eyes. 

"What did you do to her?" She asks.

"I just simply stated the facts. I would rather you be my mate because we get along and you make me happy and you treat me as an equal. That woman does not and I told her that I also told her that just because she wants me to stop spending time with you doesn't mean I'm going to." Lindsey shrugs.

"Lindsey...how much do you love her like really love her?" Carol questions.

"Carol I've had a crush on that woman since I was sixteen years old. But I'm an Omega, therefore, I was invisible to her until I shifted in front of her and she figured out that I was her mate." Lindsey explains. 

"And you want her to finally admit that you're her mate?" She taps her lip. 

"So fucking badly." Lindsey nods

"I might have a plan," Carol smirks.

"That's a dangerous look." Lindsey laughs 

"It might get me kicked out of the pack. Or killed..." She starts.

"Well, then we're not doing it." Lindsey denies.

"Oh we're doing it and we start first thing tomorrow. She's meeting with my dad to go over pack health reports." Carol smiles. 


The next morning they watched Stevie's office and when Dr. Harris got in there and the meeting was in full swing, they went to work. Stevie's office looks right out into the Pack pool and since it was Monday, there weren't many people loitering around the area as some wolves are still in school, and some wolves do have normal person jobs. What Carol and Lindsey do is they jump into the pool holding onto one another and they make an obnoxious amount of noise. 

Throughout the meeting, Stevie's eyes keep casting over to the window, and every time it does her lip wobbles.

"He's your mate isn't he?" Dr. Harris questions after a moment. 

Stevie just nods and she brings her hands up to her eyes.

"I can tell her to back off you know." He sighs.

"No, you can't. Lindsey'll never forgive me. I...I kind of don't want people to know he's my mate not because he's an Omega or anything but because I was one that always said I didn't need a man to take care of me and I don't, I mean I'm the Alpha for Christ Sakes. I worry that if I show that I have a mate, I'm not going to be...I don't know...not the leader anymore and he's going to take over." She shakes her head.

"Does he know this?" Dr. Harris asks.

"No. I just told him that we weren't to mate and we weren't having pups and we weren't going to be seen in public either. That's when things between him and Carol got a little bit more serious. She's his best friend and I'm just going to have to deal with it. It's my own fault." Stevie shakes her head. 

"You need to tell him. But it looks like you guys did mate." Dr. Harris points to her collarbone.

"I was in heat last week and it was kind of a whim thing. Neither one of us even realized it happened until the morning after my heat was over and I may have smacked him because of it." Stevie chews on his lip.

"Well, I don't know how to help you with Lindsey, but in about three weeks you should come get checked out...Or don't your wolf will know. It was nice talking to you, Luna." He sticks his hand out. 

She takes it and when he leaves she stares out the window and the tears just fall down her cheeks. 

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