❤️Chapter Thirty❤️

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'Stardust Way, Street number 21, Mr. and Mrs. Brown Vila' I read the address written on the piece of paper and set my goggle map.
I started the car and drove towards my destination. I was so excited that I was going to see her again and this time I would hold her so that I would never let her go away. I don't know why I was that happy to see someone else's wife.
As I was busy driving the car my cell phone rang flashing the caller ID name 'mom'. I pressed the answer button and turned on the speaker.
"Hey mom"
"Steven what are you doing?" she asked straightforward which surprised me.
"Why mom?" I asked in astonishment.
"Actually I had set a date for you" she replied.
"Mom...." I rolled my eyes "first thing I am not ready for making girlfriend or dating and second thing I am not in the town. I am going somewhere to do an important job."
"What you are not in the town? Where are you going?" she asked in shock.
"I will tell you when I will be back in the town. For god shake till then please stop fixing random date and all. When I will be ready I myself will find a date."
"I know that day is never going to come" her voice was full of disappointment.
"I will call you when I will be back in town. Bye" I disconnected the call and took deep breath.
'Your destination is twenty minutes ahead' Google announced.
Heart began to pound loud. The excitement gradually was turning into nervousness.
"What would I tell her? How would be her reaction when she sees me? Most important thing what would I say to her husband James?"
Many questions were crossing on my head making me more and more nervous.
"You will reach your destination in five minutes" Google announced again. I slowed the car.
"You are here" finally the Google made its final announced.
I parked on the side of the road and got down. I looked around and found myself in a society which had similar Vila. I walked towards the Vila and checked the name plate 'Mr. and Mrs. Pasak".
I walked to another Vila and checked the name plate again 'Mr. and Mrs. Brown'. I sighed "it's probably Lisa mentioned in this name plate" I thought and walked to the gate.
The gate was kept open so I walked inside and pressed the doorbell. In a minute the door opened.
"Yes..." an old lady standing on the door said looking at me in confusion.
"Um... I am here to meet someone" I said.
"Sorry gentlemen Mr. Brown is not home and Mrs. Brown is not excepting any guest today" she was about to close the door so I hurriedly said "yeah, I know but I came from Rehabilitation Centre to check on my patient Mrs. Brown. Would you mind telling her that I am her?"
"Who is it Nan?" someone asked from the inside.
"I don't know him Mrs. Brown but he claims to come from some sort of centre..."
"Rehabilitation Center" I said her and she repeated after me "Rehabilitation Centre..."
"What?" I heard the voice of the lady which was not familiar to me.
"Send him in" she shouted.
"Please come in" old lady invited me in and guided me towards the hall.
"Please have a seat. Mrs. Brown is having her lunch" said the old lady and walked away.
I sat on the couch looking around desperately waiting to see Lisa. In a while old lady showed up again and said "Mrs. Brown asked you to come to the dining hall. Please follow me."
My heart beat out loud following the old lady. As I stood on the door of dining hall I saw a lady wiping her mouth with a tissue "he is here Mrs. Brown" said the old lady and when the lady turned towards me I was shocked seeing the drunkard lady from the plane.
"You... you are Mrs. Brown?" I asked in confusion.
"Yeah... is there any problem gentleman?" she asked getting up from the chair.
"No..." I said absently.
"Clean up this table. How many times do I have to tell you? Be here as soon as I get up from the chair" she yelled looking towards the kitchen.
The things which she told me in the plane were echoing on my head one after another:
"Finally after so many efforts I was able to send her away from our life but today he went to bring her back. I told him not to bring her back but he was not ready to listen. I really cannot figure out what she has that attracts him? Even though I am way better than her except the fact I cannot give birth to a child. But even though she too had flaws but why does he care about her more than me? Why?"
"Take back your daughter or give back my money which I spend on her studies."
There was a question on my head "did she remember me?" but seeing her cool expression I become sure that she didn't remembered me.
"Oh! Sorry where was I? Um... yes you came from where?" she asked walking towards me.
"Um, I..." suddenly my eyes fall on a lady who came out of the kitchen and started to clean the table.
As she held the plate and was about to walk back to the kitchen I called her out "Lisa...?"
She glanced at me, seeing me she dropped the plate on the floor. She had ragged clothes, her hair was a mess, lips were cracked, and dark circles on her eyes and face seem to be exhausted. In just some weeks she has lost her weight and looked so skinny than before.
Our eyes got locked for a while until Mrs. Brown shouted out "What the hell? You broke the plate Lisa. Can't you be careful?"
She walked towards Lisa stamping her feet hard on the ground. She raised her hand and was about to slap Lisa but I rushed towards her and held her wrist stopping her.
"You are not allowed to raise your hand on any innocent like this Mrs. Brown" I said throwing her hand aside and standing in front of Lisa.
"Who the hell are you? She is my maid and you have no rights to..."
I interrupted her saying "Maid? But James Brown introduced her to me as his wife..."
Her cold expression changed into panic when she heard me "you... are?"
"I came from Rehabilitation centre to check on my patient and her progress after leaving the centre but I see something else is going on her. I should call the police and..." Lisa gripped my jacket and stopped me from talking.
"I... I am sorry I didn't know you came for her" she lowered her head down in embarrassment.
"I would like to have a talk with my patient" I said in cold tone.
"Sure..." she said in low tone.

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