❤️Chapter Sixteen❤️

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I heard my phone ringtone ringing continuously I tried to reach for it with my eyes closed but I was not able to find it on the table. I tried to open my eyes but I was feeling it difficult due to light. Still rubbing my eyes I opened it wide by now the ringtone was already gone.
I sat upright and glanced at my watch which was ticking half past six. My body was feeling so weak and head was so much in pain. When I was rubbing my hot temples I jolted hearing my phone ringing again. I looked around and lifted my pant from the floor. I took the cell phone from its pocket and glanced at the number. I was astonished seeing Jessica's caller ID.
Walking towards my balcony I tucked the phone on my ear but before I could respond anything Jessica spoke out "Hello, good morning sir."
"Good morning" I greeted back glancing at the city from my balcony.
"Sir actually I wanted to ask you can I take leave for today."
"Leave? Why did you called for this small reason? You could have talked with Arvin" I replied.
"Yeah, I did that but I want another permission also so Arvin sir told me to ask you"
"What is it?" I asked pinching my nose bridge due to unbearable headache.
"Actually I wanted to ask can I take Lisa out for today."
Her words made me surprised so I asked "why do you want to take her out?"
"Actually, it's her birthday today and I wanted to make her birthday special"
"What? It's her birthday" I said out loud.
"Yes, is there a problem sir?" she asked in confused tone.
I coughed out and said "no, no there is no problem at all. You can take her but make sure you will bring her back before four in the evening."
"Thank you so much sir" she disconnected the call.
Forgetting all my pain and weakness that I had a while ago on my body I walked back and forth "it's her birthday so here is my chance. I have to do something that can make her feel special and she could forgive me. But what can I do?"
I stood still for a while and dialed Arvin's number. When he answered the call after two ring I immediately spoke out "Arvin I want a favor from you."
"Good morn... favor?" he interrupted his greeting himself.
"Yeah today at five in the evening will you bring Lisa to my apartment?" I asked.
"Lisa?" probably he must be shocked hearing me so I hurriedly said "yeah, actually I am throwing a party today so I want you and Lisa to be here as you know I don't have that much friends and relatives in this city."
"What about Jessica?"
While I was surprised when Arvin asked about Jessica "while let's not involve her this time."
"Okay, I will be there by five with Lisa" replied Arvin.
"Um also I will send a dress for Lisa make sure she wears it. She might not have anything nice to wear"
"And important thing don't tell Lisa anything about it. Keep it a secret until you two arrive here."

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