❤️Chapter Ten❤️

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I went to block B looking for Lisa. I was not able to find her anywhere. I panicked and checked each and every hall until I saw her in the corner of hall number five painting something in a canvas. My heart eased seeing her.
While I was watching her my cell phone rang. I absently picked up the call tucked it on my ear without checking the caller id and said "Yes, Steven speaking."
"I know very well who is speaking you don't have to remind me my own son's name" mom's voice startled me.
I smiled and walking out of the building talking to her "hey, mom. How are you?"
"I am good. But it seems like my son is not good" she replied.
"It's nothing like that. I was just busy with something and didn't check the number before answering it" I said.
"Really, was busy with something or someone?"
Mom's question made me stand still with big curved formed on my face "How did she know that?"
"Bit of silence means definitely someone. Who is she?" she asked in excited tone.
"You are thinking too much mom. It is nothing like that. Anyway where is dad? How is he?" I changed the topic deliberately.
"Well he is fine as well. He has gone out for groceries shopping" she replied.
"Glad you both are fine. Okay I need to go mom. I will call you some other time when I will be free" I said tucking my hand on the pocket.
"Okay, Stev... take care of yourself. Make sure you eat well and sleep well. Don't take too much of work burdens. Love you..." she said and disconnected the call.
For a while I glanced at the screen absently. I regretted how I afflicted my parents in past. They are so loving that now they have completely forgotten all those things and taking care of me. I am really damn lucky to have them as my parents.
Leaving Arvin to handle other matters I left for my company. Before leaving I made sure to Arvin that he needed to get new receptionist as soon as possible and also told him to take care of Lisa.
Back in the company I felt my energy back. I was feeling bliss inside and I was longing to work hard like always. I attended all my meetings and went through the files which needed to be checked. I got so lost in my work that I took no notice when it got dark.
When I got out of the company I called Arvin but he didn't answer my call. I sat on my car and was about to call him back but before I could dial his number my phone rang flashing out his caller id.
"Yeah, I just called you to ask about Lisa. Did she have her dinner?" I asked as soon as I tucked the phone on my ear.
"Sir we are not able to find her. We checked the building but she is nowhere to be found."
Arvin's words skipped my heart "What do you meant nowhere to be found?"
"She didn't come for dinner. So I checked her room and other room in block A but she is not here."
I hung up the call and drove my car in full speed towards the centre. As soon as I reached I got out the car and rushed inside.
"How can you be this careless? Can't you take care of one single patient?" I exploded on Arvin.
He stood with his head down apologizing "I am sorry sir. I was just busy preparing advertisement for the vacancy."
"Whatever... did you checked block B?" I asked.
"Yeah, I send Janitor there to check but he said he didn't find her there" replied Arvin.
I wanted reassurance so I myself walked towards the block B. I went straight towards the hall number five where I had last seen Lisa. I opened the door and lit up the light. The hall was empty. I sadly turned to leave but I noticed someone on the corner of room behind the canvas easel.
When I walked towards it I saw Lisa was lying on the floor. So many bad thoughts crossed my mind. I slowly patted her cheeks and called her out "Lisa... Lisa."
I felt her cheeks were so hot. I kept my palm on her forehead which too was hot. She was suffering from high fever. I took her on my arms and walked out of the room.
I gently placed her on the bed and called for doctor. When doctor came and checked her he suggested me to try other remedies rather than giving her a medicine as she was addicted to medicine and it was good for not to take any medicine further.
Whole night I took care of her by putting wet towel on her forehead and changing it time and again. It was around four in the morning her fever decreased and I was able to fall asleep on the longue exhausted.

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