❤️Chapter Eighteen❤️

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I glanced at Arvin who was giving me shocked gaze "It's her birthday? You called us for the celebration?"
I nodded my head and said "can you help me out again... please?"
"God knows how many lies I have to tell her to bring her here. So, I am sorry I will not be able to help you out again..." Arvin surrendered.
"Fine..." I ran downstairs.
"Lisa.... Lisa...." I called her out looking downstairs and saw the she had not gone far.
I increased my pace and when I approached her I stood in front of her blocking the way "Lisa please listen to I am sorry. Please try to understand. I don't know why I did so I am sorry."
She stood folding her arms looking away "Lisa... please say something. Your silence is killing me. Please..."
"What should I say? I am totally out of words. Also if I say anything or do anything you will run away like in past and show up when it is too late"
I was dumbfounded hearing her "what do you mean by that?"
"Nothing..." she said pinching her nose bridge and said in irritated tone "fine what do you want me to do?"
"Just allow me to make your birthday special, please" I begged.
"But, why do you want to do so? Who am I to you?"
Well her question was absolutely reasonable "who was her for me to make her day special?" She need to know the answer but I knew it very well that it was totally useless to say her anything now.
After standing silent for a while I said in low tone "I thought you called me your friend once."
Her eyes softened hearing me she then nodded her head and said "okay fine then I will take this as a favor from a friend. Okay?"
I nodded my head though I was not that satisfy with her answer. Both of us walked upstairs and when we stood by the door before pushing the door wide open I stretched my hand towards her and asked "if you don't mind can I walk you in?"
She kept her hand on mine and nodded her. When I pushed the door and walked inside with her hand on mine suddenly flowers began to shower on us.
I was surprised because I haven't planned that. When I look around I saw Mandy and Arvin smiling at me. It must be their idea anyway I admit that it was good one.
Leaving my hand Lisa spin around giggling like a small child. She was so happy when flower was showering on her. She then stood on the middle of the hall and said looking around at the decoration "is this all for me?"
Nodding my head I said "Yes, it's all for you, Happy birthday Lisa."
She suddenly ran towards me and hugged me tight "Thank you Steven. No one has ever done this for me. Thank you so much" she whispered.
All the evening we all had lots of fun. When it came to cake cutting ceremony Mandy, Arvin and I smeared Lisa's face with cake. She was looking mess but instead of being angry she laughed out loud. She was really enjoying that moment the way I was enjoying seeing her happy. My heart was in ease seeing that smile on her face and I was ready to do anything for her smile.
I still can't believe Lisa and I had that romantic couple dance in my favorite song
"I found a love for me
Darling just dive right in and follow my lead...
Well I found a girl beautiful and sweet
I never knew you were the someone waiting for me..."
Mandy got on his car and waved at us "bye."
"Bye..." Lisa and I waved back at him.
"Once again thank you for everything" Lisa said turning towards me.
"It was my pleasure to make your day special" I said smiling at her.
Arvin stopped his car in front of us and called out for Lisa.
Lisa suddenly leaned closer to me and planted a kiss on my cheeks "you look more handsome in denim than suits" she whispered loud enough for me to hear.
I was shocked as well as happy when she planted a sweet kiss on my cheeks. Not only that, she even passed me the compliment. It took me a while to come back to my sense by then she was already inside the car waving at me.
I waved back at her with big smile on my face. When Arvin drove away I my eyes suddenly blurred and I felt weak to stand. I rubbed my eyes to get clear vision but it went more blur. I fall on my knee then my body collapsed on the cold ground everything went blank.

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