❤️Chapter Twenty Three❤️

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I and dad were watching WWE when mom came and handed the medicine to dad. Dad ignored her and kept on watching the TV. Mom walked and stood in front of TV.
"Mom..." I said in disappointment.
"Tell your dad to take his medicine or else I will keep on standing here" she said standing still.
"Why me? He is not taking his medicine but you are not letting me to watch the TV" I said rolling my eyes.
"You are also not listening to me" she said snatching the remote away from my hand. And she turned off the TV.
"Wait... no. What did I do?" I said in annoyance.
"Here, Chris have it and both of you get up. We are going on a walk" she said handing dad the medicine.
"You are really..."dad paused taking the medicine from mom.
"Really what?" she asked folding her arms and staring at him with her wide eyes.
"So stubborn" he completed the sentence and drank the water along with the medicine swallowing hard.
"Yeah, he kind of cannot defeat mom in conversation" I smiled inside.
"Yeah I am as I cannot afford to stand for an hour in that hospital again" she said looking away from him.
It had been a week since dad got discharged from the hospital. Though he recovered well but doctor have strictly warned us to make him take his medicine in regular basis. And here they are both having this cute little fight. I never had realized that I belong to such an amazing family.
"Mom... he ate his medicine. Now, can I have that back?" I asked stretching my hand trying to reach the remote from her hand.
But she took the remote away and said "no, now it's your turn. What have I told you two? Get up we are going for a walk."
"I am not going anywhere" dad said folding his arms.
Mom walked towards him and pulling him up she said "Yes, you are coming." Though, dad didn't want to go but mom pushed him towards the door forcefully.
I took the chance and grabbed the remote but before I could turn on the TV mom called me out "Steven... do I need to push you as well."
"Coming mom" I shouted back keeping the remote back on the table and walked out of the house following them.
I followed mom and dad from the behind walking slowly but when mom and dad were about to take a turn to the street number three which lead to Lisa's home I hurriedly rushed towards them and standing in front of them stopped them "woo... not this way."
"But, why? There is new beautiful park this way and I know you will love it" my mom said.
"No, mom lets go there some other day" I said and walked away from there.
I really didn't want to get close to her home and recall about my past.
"Fine" mom and dad both followed me.
But after walking few steps mom suddenly called out "Steven you need to move on son."
I didn't get her and looked back "I am moving on mom."
"I don't mean that" she said with a smile on her face but I was not able to understand her. So I stared at her in confusion.
"See your dad and I are old now. We do want to see our generation flourishing."
I rolled my eyes and said "mom please don't start again. It's already a week since I came here but this is the tenth times repeating this topic."
"That is why I am telling you are not listening to me. Son you are grown up now. Stop dwelling on your past rather try to focus on your future" she said putting her hand on my shoulder.

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