❤️Chapter Two❤️

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The sudden loud horn of the car pulled me back from my deep reveries. I looked around and found myself standing alone on the side of the road. Everyone including she was gone leaving me all alone. It was very difficult for me to figure out whether I was dreaming or not.
Girl who I had deep feeling for years got on the car as a bride and was gone for forever. I was feeling so weak to stand and I was not even able to hold the flowers. Roses dropped down from my hand and scattered making no sound just the way my heart which broke into pieces making no sound at all. There was a pain inside me but I was not able to figure out which organ was in pain.
I was feeling sore on my throat and my eyes were getting blur. I wanted to scream out loud but I was not able to utter single word out of my mouth. Words were suppressed so deep inside my throat.
Slowly and steadily I took the step but I was not able to balance my body. I was walking like a drunkard. More I took my steps more my vision blurred. When I stood still hot tears rolled down my eyes. I really don't remember when I last cried. I looked up in the sky trying to dry my eyes but I felt a drop of rain falling on my face one after another. The sky was crying with me.
Trying to handle myself I walked on that heavy downpour. Not caring about anything. But the road which felt so short a while ago now felt like the longest road I have ever walked. No matter how hard I tried not to recall the incident more it got refreshed on my mind again and again. She in bridal dress, her cold eyes which got soft and turning teary looking at me was all I had on my head.
I walked inside my house pushing the door hard which made it to hit the wall making loud bang sound.
"God, Steven you scared me" my mom shouted out in fright getting up from the couch.
Seeing my condition she got stunned and stared at me without blinking her eyes "Stev..." her voice was low filled with shock and fright.
My father walked out of the kitchen and the moment he saw me he exploded "See, I told you he is not the one to be given any chance. He really doesn't deserve any care and love. All this time we lavished him with our love and gave him everything he wanted but see the result again he is dozing with the addiction. Just yesterday he returned from rehabilitation center. I thought you would truly change this time as you yourself asked for help to get rid of your drug addiction but once again you proved me wrong like in past."
"Chris, stop it, please" my mother said in quivering voice. I was able to see tears walling down her eyes which made me remember about my love that left with same tears on her eyes a while ago.
I took a step towards my mom and hugged her tight "MOM..." was all I could say.
I am Steven Powell only child of my parents. While ago I had a life, a life of addiction with lots and lots of fun. In that life I really didn't cared about anything or anyone. Well, everyone had a reason behind being drug addict but I had no reason at all. I used drug for fun and that is the reason I didn't quit taking drugs even after being sent to rehabilitation center twice.
That life was kind of mess I had nothing to stop me except my parents whose words I never took seriously. Then something happened. Sudden appearance of her changed my life entirely. When she came to my life no, no not came to my life I feel it inappropriate to say she came to my life as she was not the one who came to my life. It was me who saw her and fall for her without even knowing about her. Love at first sight what we say not even knowing her name. You heard me right. Love is blind we say I somehow found it to be true. I loved her for two years without knowing her name.
You may call me an insane but love did happen with me all of a sudden. It didn't ask for name, caste, family background, age, or anything. It just happened all of a sudden and trust me I had no control over it.
But now my life has collapsed and my heart feels so wounded. I was just about to confess my feelings for her and make her mine but sadly nothing happened according to my will. Everything that has happened till now is all beyond my thought. I was all happy with my addiction life had no intention of leading simple life but then my eyes fall on her and trust me I had no intention of falling in love but my intention didn't worked in the case of my heart which made me to have no control over myself. And soon she became high dose drug for me.
There was barely a time I didn't thought about her. The day when I didn't saw her face would be the worst day. I would lock myself inside the room and eagerly wait for another day to see her. For her I even changed and tried to get rid of my drug addiction. But now I have no idea what I will be doing. She is gone and there is no single chance of seeing her. Furthermore, I still don't know her name. I feel desolated but I still hope that in another life I will make her mine.

And In Another Life I Will Make You Mine!! (Published on Smashwords)Where stories live. Discover now