(a7x) group chat 9

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Rev-your-end: what's this about Zack and Brian getting suspended?

CaptainDimples: argh fuck what did they do now?

SkinnyLove: they got caught fucking Mr Tuck

CaptainDimples:   :/

Rev-your-end: WHAT!?

SkinnyLove: yup.

Rev-your-end: NO WAY!!

SkinnyLove: seriously dude, Mr Berry walked in on them. Found them by the desk, Mr Tuck's dick in Zacky's mouth while Brian fucked him from behind.

Rev-your-end:  :O

CaptainDimples: figures they'd get suspended for something stupidly sexual like that

Rev-your-end: holy shit... so they don't have a geography teacher anymore?

SkinnyLove: no no, Mr Tuck's still teaching

Rev-your-end: wait what?

CaptainDimples: huh?

SkinnyLove: yeah well only because Headmaster Radke's his butch

SkinnyLove: *bitch

*GardenGnome is now online*

GardenGnome: what do we have for calculus?

SkinnyLove: wtf Johnny you don't take calculus.

GardenGnome: I know. Kellin wants to know

CaptainDimples: why would he be asking you?

GardenGnome: 'cause I'm with him duh

Rev-your-end: wtf why are you with Kellin!?

GardenGnome: he fucks well

Rev-your-end: ...

Rev-your-end: He... What?

CaptainDimples: oooooh, what's this? :D

GardenGnome: He's a good fuck, he's sucking my stick right now

Rev-your-end: ...

SkinnyLove: wow

Rev-your-end: but...

Rev-your-end: but he's with that Mexican kid...

GardenGnome: ... not right now :P

*GardenGnome is now offline*

Rev-your-end: I... :(

SkinnyLove: ncaww Jim

Rev-your-end: I'm feeling oddly turned on by this :$

*Rev-your-end is now busy*

CaptainDimples: well we all know what he's doing.

SkinnyLove: yeah the thought of it makes me want you over

CaptainDimples: ...

CaptainDimples: ill be there in 2

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