(Ben Bruce) to the smell of pancakes

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Inspired by that picture^

You're James Cassells' little sister but you're dating Ben

*sniff sniff* pancakes, you lift your head slightly but groan when a wave of throbbing suddenly hits. You're not usually one for hangovers, how much did I drink last night?

You try lifting yourself up again but then you realise something's weighing you down. You turn your head and almost smack it against someone else's. You pull your head back to get a better look at the person next to you, your stomach dropping when you realise it's Ben, your brother's best friend and secretly, your boyfriend.

You've been dating for almost a month now but no one knows because you're unsure of how James would react to it, Sam and Cam caught on a little while ago but you made them promise not to tell Danny 'cause Danny is notoriously loud-mouthed.

You realise Ben is practically sleeping onto of you, with half his body on yours. You take a second look when you notice Ben's topless... and you're bottomless. Holy shit! Am I-? Is he-? Did we-?

You try gently wiggling out of his grip, knowing he's a kind of a light sleeper. You get halfway out when he stirs, subconsciously pulling you back to him. All that effort for nothing. You shrug and figure you ought to just stay there, feeling a sense of safety.


You wake up again to Ben shaking your shoulder and whispering your name. You lean on your elbows watching him look around the room, your room, for any clues as to what happened the previous night. "Um, y/n... did... we...?" You shrug, "I was hoping you could tell me." "You mean you don't know?" "No." "Fuck," he drops back down and buries his head in the pillow, "your brother's gonna kill me," he takes your hand and kisses it, "it was nice loving you." You roll your eyes, "agh babe don't be so dramatic."

You slide out the bed and check the time; 9:46. You put on underwear and a pair of pj pants but pull them back down when you feel pain around you abdomen. You go over to the mirror and lift up the top you're wearing, (Ben's top by the way) to find several small bruises and bite marks scattered here and there. The same bruises on your neck and collarbone, are these... love bites!?

You turn to Ben who's also up now, buckling his pants. "Do you smell pancakes?" You nod and the two of you head out and downstairs. You find two random girls passed out on the sofas with Danny, while a half naked Cam and an equally naked Sam are in the kitchen cooking. "Morning you two." Sam says with a knowing smile. You cringe, if something did happen last night and Sam knows, chances are James knows too.

You lean forward to whisper, not knowing if James is up and about yet, "what happened last?" Cameron piles some pancakes and bacon on your plate, chuckling. "You mean you guys don't know?!-" "-You don't remember?!" They say at the same time. You and Ben shake your heads simultaneously. "Well what's the last thing you remember?" "Getting here and playing seven minutes in heaven." Ben says. You give it some thought, you just remember them arriving and drinking and drinking and more drinking, "alcohol. All I remember is alcohol." You tuck into your breakfast, already feeling relieved.

"Well you two were kinda all over each other last night." Sam says, slipping a piece of bacon in his mouth. You and Ben share a look of dread and your cheeks flush. "But did anything... you know... happen?" Sam is about to answer when you hear someone trudge down the stairs, and seeing as everyone else is already down here you know it has to be your brother.

James drags into the kitchen, "morning chaps." Everyone replies hesitantly, looking at one another cluelessly. "H-hey Jay... how'd you sleep?" You ask, scratching the back of your head. He turns to you with his cup of coffee, "I was out like a light, you?" You can hear the group let out a sigh of relief. "Um, fine hey."

He walks out the kitchen and you let out the breath you've been holding, "okay you guys, if something did happen, we're not telling James, yeah?" The guys all agree but you swear you can see Ben's shoulders slum in disappointment. James walks back into the kitchen, turning to Ben, "mate, where'd you sleep last night?" The tension sky rockets again as everyone tries to find an excuse for Ben. Just then, Danny walks in with one of the girls under his arm both still fairly intoxicated, "Ben, mate, what's going on between you and little miss (nickname) over here." You almost faint as James turns to you, wide-eyed. You scratch the back of your head again, "uh, I have no idea what he's talking about." "Yeah, uh, I'm pretty sure he's still drunk." You and Cameron almost get away with it until Danny's slut opens her mouth, "well it seems like you two are dating." You give her a glare that has her hiding behind Danny, "um, how bout you shove Danny's dick in your mouth and shut the fuck up."

"But actually, what is going on between you two." You sigh and turn to Ben who just shrugs. "Uh, I'm dating your sister, mate." "WHAT!?" You jump between Ben and your brother before he has a chance to kill him. "James chill okay, I'm not a little kid anymore. I appreciate you looking out for me but I'm old enough to make my own decisions." James mulls it ovee, a prominent frown glued on his face.

After a while he takes two of your pancakes and ruffles your hair, "sure, whatever (nickname)"

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