(Dani Winter-Bates)smut: slippery

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Shower sex because I have yet to write on it


You roll out of bed and stretch, partly aware that Dani is staring at your hickie stained ass as you do. You roll your shoulder and turn to him "last night was pretty rough huh?" He says, spotting more marks across your skin. You shrug with a smirk on your face, "well I am in need of a nice hot shower if that's what your asking," you say as you turn around "... and maybe a massage" you mumble to yourself.

Once you've found the perfect temperature you step under the water and feel your body melt. You begin washing your hair, taking your time to really pamper yourself when you feel a second pair of hands land on your shoulders, expertly massaging out the kinks from not only the night before but from all the stress you've been facing lately.

"Do you know what we've never tried?" He pauses but you know you don't have to ask, "shower sex" you tilt your head while you think, "you're right, actually... We've f**ked over the sink, in the bath, bed, kitchen, couch, floor, stairs, desk, but never in the shower..." you look around yourself, gauging the size of the shower to assess if it would work and concluding that it just might seeing as it's over a meter wide both ways. You finally turn to Dani and kiss him, establishing a slow, lazy pace so he gets the message not rough this time. You pull back and raise a finger, "but I actually do need to shower though babe, I'm filthy from last night." Dani chuckles and picking up from where you left off with your hair, runs his hands down your back agonisingly slow. He kisses your forehead before rinsing the shampoo out of your hair. You lean up and kiss and suck away at his neck. Dani walks you back into the wall and leans down and takes one of your nipples between his teeth while the other sits between his fingers.

"Mmm babe that-AH! OOOOOOWW!" "Baby are you okay?" You're holding your elbow with a pained expression on your face but you manage to nod, "whacked my funny bone against the wall." You sigh. Dani pouts out of sympathy and kisses your forehead, "I feel like the expectations are far off from the reality when it comes to shower sex." You nod but you're determined to make this work. "No babe we can do this, maybe if you tried from the back?" You face the opposite way and gently grab hold of Dani's butt. His hands find your waist as you lean forward and the arousal that was killed when you whacked your arm is quickly making its way back as Dani runs the head of his cock along your slit, "babe you're a bit short for this, I don't think we'll last long enough."

You sink to your knees, "well maybe if I-" but as you try and take his length in your mouth you find you can't breathe because the water's running down your face. You quickly stand up again, shaking your head, "that's not gonna work either. I don't get it, there must be some trick to-" as you rant on about the bitter realities of shower sex, Dani pulls your legs around his waist and leans you tightly against the wall. His lips find yours, more to shut you up so you can focus on the feeling of him sliding inside you. You moan together as you tighten your legs around him, pulling him closer to you. "You good babe?" You hum as you lay your head back against the wall. Dani keeps a steady pace as you kiss up along his jaw, a deep groan vibrating his throat as you suck on his sweet spot. His grip on your butt gets tighter as his pace increases a little.

As good as Dani feels inside you you frown which he notices, "what's the matter." "I didn't think we'd need lube, you know, cause everything's wet but-" "if this is hurting you we can stop." "No, no-" you're determined boarding on obsessed over getting this right. You've never had a single bad sexual experience with Dani and you'd be damned if this is to be the first. "-I think I'll live, does it feel good?" Dani nods and kisses you again as he continues to pump through you steadily.

You could tell he's getting tired and quite frankly you can't blame him. It's amazing enough that he's managed to hold you up for this long in the first place. You drop your legs and slide Dani out of you. "As romantic as it seems, it's actually just more of a mission than it has to be. C'mon let's move this over to the bed." You smile and take his hand, not missing the sparkle in his eye as you move your adventure over to an area you're more familiar with.

Dani had grabbed a towel on his way out and is now slowly wiping your body, his lips following over your skin. He lays you down and hovers above you, a smile playing on his cheeks as you run your hands over his chest down his abs and up his back. Your hands finally land in his hair where you pull his lips down to yours, all the while, he's managed to prep you and is now sliding into you with easy. He grunts into your lips as you push up to meet his hips. "If you keep doing that I won't be able to keep things slow." You moan, "Baby please I think things have been slow enough!" Dani doesn't need to be told twice as his hips slam against yours. You fail to keep up with his pace so you grip his shoulders tight and moan into his neck.

You finally feel your pleasure tingling up your body and you gasp trying to catch some air to warn Dani, he kisses your neck as you flop your head back, "I'm close too baby, cum for me." And just like that, you do, your body arching into Dani's. You flop back onto the bed as Dani flops beside you breathing just as heavily as you are.

You find the energy to pull yourself to his chest and he finds the energy to hug you close to him. After a while of gazing at him you giggle, "what's up?" You shake your head, "no I just remembered I was supposed to meet up with my colleague... I'm sure he'll live though."

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