(Synyster Gates) smut: love/hate

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A/n: pretty convoluted but whatever :)


Interviewer; "so we're here at RockGod Studios with personally, my two favourite bands; Avenged Sevenfold and b/n's amazing guitar duos; Synyster Gates and Zacky Vengeance, as well as y/n s/n and Avery Craig."

The four of you sat on a couch, beers and/or smokes in-hand, talking to a well-known music journalist. You're the lead guitarist for world renowned band, b/n, while your close friend Avery is the rhythm guitarist.

The interviewer went on about how b/n and A7x have just started touring together and what your fans should expect from this, what songs might be performed, if there are gonna be any collaborations or crossovers.

Everything was going smoothly until you and Syn started arguing, not that it's anything new. It's common knowledge that although the two bands are extremely close and have been for years now, there's always been a strange love/hate kind of friction between the two of you. Even the fans know it. It's an infamous rivalry. Also, in your defence, the interviewer spurred it on, must have been for the show of it.


You jump back onto your bus, completely blocking out the rant Avery is throwing at the back of your head. "... okay what the guy said was sexist, and yes Brian made it so much worse, I'll admit that, but you have to be on his case all the time?" you whip around, having caught that last part, "don't you dare defend him Avi he's a jackass, and you're right he seems to love being a dick and making things worse but I seem to be the only one with enough sense not to put up with his bullshit, honestly! Everyone kisses his ass like he's some kind of god!!!" "That's because I am one." You groan and roll your eyes as Brian steps onto the bus, followed by Matt, Arin, Zacky, and Johnny.

"n/n, could we get some beer" "Sure Zee," You head over to the fridge and take out five beers, handing four to Zee, Matt, Arin, and Johnny. Opening the fifth one and taking a long sip, staring straight at Brian. He raises an eyebrow at your blatant neglect but he knows you're seething right now and he's been through this enough times to know he should just avoid you til you cool off, then again, he so very much enjoys seeing you wound up.

Your bassist, Cole Burns, flops next to Avery, one arm around her, the other aiding the connection between beer and mouth, "so what happened this time you two?" Everyone in the room flops their heads back and groans, Avery facepalms mumbling, 'oh gosh here we go' and he can vaguely hear someone in the background say 'dude you haaad to ask' . You and Brian share a look both inhaling at the same time...


After almost 5 minutes of ranting about each other and eye rolls from everyone else, Johnny shares a 'could they just kiss and make up already' look with Arin who decides he's had enough and picks you up mid-rant, puts you over his shoulder and takes you to the back room of the bus dropping you on the floor and quickly heading out. You're soon followed by Matt and Zacky carrying Brian but before you can try escape, they drop him on you, buying enough time to exit and lock the two of you in. "You and your fat ass." you stiffly groan as you roughly roll him off.

"We're not letting you out til you kiss and make up." You recognise Chase (your lead vocalist)'s voice. You and Brian share a dreaded look, "You guys suck-" "-that's not about to happen" you say simultaneously.

"So what now?"

"Now I ignore your existence and go to bed" he says, flopping onto the bed and taking up your side as well. You push him aside, sliding in yourself. The moment your head hits the pillow you're out, not unreasonably though, you were on stage for two hours then again during A7x's cover of your favourite Metallica song then at a meet and greet that lasted another two hours, then at the interview... come to think of it, you're exhausted.

Usually you're an incredibly light sleeper and you're as still as a brick, Brian knows this from the many times he's tried to prank you in your sleep, but tonight just had to be different...

Brian's POV

I was just starting to get comfortable when y/n rolled over, one of her legs landing between mine and her arm draping over my chest. Oddly enough my first reaction, which you'd think would be to push her off with no remorse, was actually to... hold her... closer... maybe it's because right now she's not b***hing around so here she is, lightly snoring against my neck.

I let my thoughts drift, trying to assess whether it really is hate I feel for y/n because right now my lower regions are suggesting otherwise. It also doesn't help that when she shifts slightly every now and then, her knee brushes that very region. I close my eyes, trying to block it out but they fly open again when y/n mumbles something in her sleep... my name. What? It's followed by a small, almost unnoticeable moan, which in all honesty, sounds like the hottest thing to ever grace my ears.

Is she dreaming of me?

A devious idea crosses my mind :)

My hand slowly slides down her back, squeezing her ass gently. I smile when that earns me a breathy moan. Yup, definitely gonna enjoy this...

My hand crawls to her front and swipes upwards once, I hear her breath hitch and she wiggles slightly before huffing out a sigh. Quite the heavy sleeper today, how fortunate...

I repeat a few times before crawling further, my finger slowly sliding into her core. Her back arch as she pushes down further onto my hand, "deeper" she whispers faintly.

Your POV

You've been awake since Brian squeezed your butt but considering the dream you were in the middle of having when he did you pretend to be asleep, you figure you must've let something slip for this to be happening.

Your eyes screw further shut as Brian swipes your clit a few times and you can't help but come loose when he inserts a finger in you. You mumble "deeper," while you arch your back in an effort to feel more of him inside you.

His movements begin to slow and you're done with his teasing so having nothing of it you finally 'wake up' and take Brian by surprise flipping onto his hips, your lips connecting without a thought. He removes his hands entirely which causes you to glare at Brian's smug expression. You wipe the smirk off his face as you roughly tug his pants and briefs off in one swift movement, "y/n-" you cover his mouth with your one hand as the other guides his member to your entrance. The surprised expression on his face quickly turns to lust, "you've teased me enough Brian." He's about to reply but all that comes out is an elongated groan when you sink him inside you to the hilt. The sound was so glorious to your ears you're determined to entice it again so you begin moving,

Brian's hands resting on your hips, they begin moving up your body, bringing your top over your head, before settling on your beasts as they bounce with your movements. His grip tightens slightly as he's overwhelmed with the pleasure you're giving him and you throw your head back, "g*d Brian I'm close!" Brian's hips begin thrusting up to meet yours and within moments you're both screaming in ecstacy.

You flop onto Brian's chest as you stare at each other for a while, regulating your breath. "That's not what I meant when I said kiss and make up you two!" You hear Chase mumble through the door. You both chuckle and you turn your head to look at Brian again. "What happened to us?" Brian asks, more to himself, though you think for a moment anyway. Reality is you were extremely close when you were younger, having grown up together but the fame went to Brian's head and you couldn't stand to see him change because you actually had feelings for him.

"You became an asshole" you mumble into his chest, fatigue creeping up again. He's quiet for a moment, thinking it over, "yeah but I've always been your asshole."

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