(Ronnie Radke) smut: pick up the phone

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You and Ronnie love to hate each other


"What you and Row have going on is unhealthy y/n, you need to stop this." Your best friend, Andy Biersack says, sitting on his bed as you look at your bruised covered skin in the mirror. It's 2 in the morning and you just got to his place having fought, yet again, with your boyfriend Ronnie Radke. Andy's always the person you go to in these situations and yes, it's happened more than once.

You shrug, you know he's right but just the thought of letting Ronnie go speeds your heart up, you can't take that kind of pain. "He's like a drug D, I can't just..." you shake your head at your own words. Toxic. Andy gets up, pulling you into a hug.

You don't know how long you'd been hugging before you hear the door open. Andy shifts, probably looking up at who came in. His arms fall limp at his sides and you're about to question when you feel someone's hand closes around your arm, pulling you out of Andy's apartment and into the car. You say nothing as Ronnie takes you home.

You're partly worried about Ronnie's silence as he leads you into the house. You open your mouth to say something but he cuts you off. "Don't you dare let me find you in another man's arms ever again." You roll your eyes are turn away from him, "fuck you Ronnie." He grabs your hair gently and connects your lips roughly. After a moment, you push him away, "ew, you taste like smoke." It's not that you don't smoke or anything, you just enjoy messing with Ronnie like this. He hates being denied You so that's exactly what you do.

Ronnie glares at you darkly before shoving you to the ground. He sits on you, pinning your arms down with his knees, his bulge right in your face. You smirk, satisfied with the power you have over him, "don't expect me to help you out with that." Ron glares at you, pulling out a cigarette, lighting it and taking a drag. He blows the smoke in your face, "Ew." You say flatly.

You struggle, trying to get him off but you can't. He puts the cig in your mouth, blocking your nose with one hand and holding your lips tight around it with the other. "Drag." You shake your head as best you can against his grip, "fine, then suffocate, see if I care." The two of you stay there for a few moments until you break, taking a long drag. Ronnie smirks and gets off of you, finishing the cigarette and throwing it away.

Before you can get up he's on you again, straddling your hips, "get the fuck off me, Ronnie." "No." He pulls out an army knife and you cease all movements. Yeah you have a messed up relationship but it's never gone this far. He leans forward, your noses almost touching, and whispers; "I'll be damned if I see you with some other man, if I cannot have you then nobody can." You shiver, his dominance sparking something in your core but you're not the only one hot and bothered.

You reach forward, your hand stroking his bulge gently. His eyes flutter and he moans lowly, "wow Row, looks like your problem's harder than I thought." You say, sarcasm dripping. "Babe, it's not my problem, it's yours." You chuckle, "like hell." He grabs the bottom of your shirt, dragging the blade until it's just under your chin, "you son of a bitch, I loved this top." He chucks the knife and pulls you up, throwing you roughly over the armrest of the nearest couch. He drags his fingers hard against the skin of your back and finishes off by slapping your ass hard. He leans over you while groping your stinging ass, his breath caressing your ear, "It's not your top you should be worried about."

He literally rips your pants off your body along with your underwear and without warning, shoves three fingers into your admittedly wet core. You whimper, your legs shaking slightly at the pleasure mixed with pain. He curls his fingers forward, brushing your g spot dead on. You claw away at the couch, pleasure already mounting but before you can release, Ronnie pulls his fingers out.

You whine at the loss of contact which is soon replaced by a sharp pain as Ronnie slams himself into you completely. Surprisingly, he gives you a moment to adjust before pulling all the way out and slamming back into you twice as hard. You're always vocal in these times and Ronnie's always rough, now is no different.

Ronnie starts kissing some of the small bruises on your back and out of no where he pulls out of you and flips you onto your back, sliding into you again but slowly. You want to ask why but you're distracted by your pleasure mounting again. "I- I'm close." You say between moans. Ronnie grabs your chin, kissing you deeply. "Look at me" he whispers as he pulls away. You open your eyes to find Ronnie's boring deep into your soul and you spot something you don't think you've ever seen before. His thrusts become uneven and one last shot to your g spot has you screaming his name and clenching around him. He finishes just after you and rides out your pleasure before coming to a stop and kissing you passionately. When he pulls away he looks you in the eye and strokes your cheek, "I don't ever wanna hurt you anymore... I love you far too much for that, okay?" You nod slowly, captivated by the passion in his eyes. He picks you up, taking you upstairs to your room and gently laying you down on the bed. You curl up to his chest, his arm protectively tight around your shoulders. "I love you Row." He kisses your forehead and stays there for a moment, "I love you too y/n."


Please don't misunderstand, I do not, in any way, support or think that abuse is okay. If s/he has hit you, it doesn't matter if s/he shits gold, s/he does not deserve you.

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