(Synyster Gates) maybe over coffee

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"Buggles...? Buggles? Where are you!?" You shout looking for your puppy. You took him out for a walk on the quiet beach and it was going great, very relaxing, 'til he broke free of his black studded leash and ran off while you were getting ice cream.

"Buggles no!" You finally spot him creating havoc with a white fluffy Maltese. You stand by the two dogs who seem to be just rolling all over each other. "Buggles." Your puppy turns to you, titling his head. You motion for it to come but the other dog jumps on him again, tugging at his ear.

"Pinkly, what are you doing!?" You turn to see an admittedly very attractive raven-haired guy approaching. You figure the Maltese must be his. His dog pauses and looks up at him, Buggles' ear still in its mouth. The brunette finally catches up with you, looking down at his dog with his hand on his hips. "Pinkly... get of the pretty lady's puppy." He says in a reprimanding tone. You blush slightly. 'Pinkly' obeys and runs up to him while Buggles sits at your feet, watching you with a wagging tail.

"I'm sorry about that, she gets a little hyper sometimes." The guy says, turning to you. You wave it off, "it's no problem, he-" you say directingly at Buggles, "-just ran off." He balances Pinkly under his left arm as his right juts out for a handshake, "um, I'm Brian by the way, and this is Pinkly." You gladly take his hand, "Y/n, and this..." you pick up Buggles, holding his paw up to wave, "is Buggles." Brian chuckles a bit and you can't help but notice his smile. "Buggles? Really?" "And you're saying Pinkly's better?" You say with a smirk. He shrugs, "it's fitting if you knew the reason." "Oh?" "Yeah, we could grab some coffee or something sometime and I'll tell you about it." You chuckle, "well Buggles, should I?" He licks your face and you shake your head, wiping it on your shoulder. "I guess that's a yes."


You went your separate ways but not before Brian asked for your number. Now you're sitting at home the next day, playing playstation, and your phone has buzzed in your pocket.

Brian E HJ: hi y/n (^^, )

You: hey Brian (**, )

Brian E HJ: I'm really thinking about that coffee right about now, you up for it? (~~, )

You: (^^, ) sounds good, just need to take a shoulder.

You: *shower. (x_x )

Brian E HJ: how 'bout we meet at the small coffee shop on the pier in an hour?

You: great (^^, )

Brian E HJ: (**, )

You hop into the shower, getting out of your boardshorts, flops, and tank top and swapping them for jeans, your favourite pair of shoes, and a long sleeve seeing as the sun's going down and the wind's picking up a bit.


"Oh... you see, now Pinkly makes sense." "I told you it would." "I still don't think it's better than Buggles though." You guys chuckle, "what is Buggles anyway?" "I have no idea, all I know is that he's part husky." "Yeah I figured, his eyes are pretty striking." You nod as you take a sip of your drink. You and Brian have been chatting away for a while now and sun's long gone.

Your phone buzzes and you check it, it's your best friend;

F/n: (nickname), is that you I see with a hot guy at (coffee shop)? (♥♥, )

You shake your head to yourself,

You: yes, we're just talking

F/n: oh my gosh y/n, seriously? If you're not gonna f*ck him I will. (♥♥, ) (♥♥, ) (♥♥, ) (♥♥, ) (♥♥, ) (♥♥, ) (♥♥, )

You: f*#& off f/n he's mine. (>_< )

You put your phone down and sigh, "sorry about that." He shakes his head, looking up from his own phone, "no problem... I gotta go though, need to pick up my godson, but I really enjoy talking to you, you're pretty awesome. Could we do this again?" "Definitely, I'd love that." You say your goodbyes and head your separate ways again.


You guys have been meeting up almost on a daily basis for about a week and a half now. You've quickly fallen for Brian's witty charm and genuine smile and unbeknownst to you, he's fallen for your soft eyes and quick jokes. You're sipping your drink, looking out to the ocean while waiting for your next meet up with Bri.

You're so out of sorts you don't notice six people sit down at your table. "She's pretty." "Well Arin, duh." "No I don't mean in like the slutty type Bri usually goes for, I mean she's-" "-pretty, yeah we get it." You're also completely ignorant to their comments about you as you're completely lost in the view of the moon off the ocean. "she seems pretty out of it." "What if she's caught in another dimension and is chasing stallion ducks because she needs to-" "what the fuck are you talking about Jimmy?" "Yeah JimJam give the ducks a rest."

Brian waves his hand in your face, "(nickname)...? Helloooooo? Y...../n...? Y/N!!" You snap back to reality, squinting at the hand that's too close to your face. "Wow Syn she's quite the daydreamer." You look up to find the table fully occupied with people you have only seen in pictures on Brian's phone, their names mentioned now and then, though you can never remember.

"Hey y/n!" "H-hey Bri." "These are my bros... Matt-" you shake the hand of the guy sitting on Brian's left with the adorable dimples, "Zacky," the guy on Bri's right with the piercing green eyes. "Johnny," the guy almost as short as you, "Arin," the one with beautifully tanned skin, "and Jimmy," the guy that creeped you out at first but now just seems like a big ball of fun. "Guys, this is Y/n."


After enjoy a night well spent with people you thought would intimidate you (you've never really been one for being social), you head home on foot seeing as it's really close to your house. Brian says goodbye to his friends and jogs to catch up with you. "Hang on a minute," he slings his arm on your shoulders and rotates you back in the direction you came from, "our night has only just begun."


You groan as sunlight baths your face in typical Cali heat and you roll over, your hand landing on a steady rising and falling chest. You open your eyes properly and find you're not actually in your room like you expected and you're laying next to a fast asleep Brian. You try think back to the previous night, remembering leaving the coffee shop with Brian and going to your favourite bar. The two of you had more to drink than you intended and things got more heated than expected. You mentally facepalm yourself, this could easily have ruined your friendship.

You slide out of his grip and stand, your legs feeling slightly wobbly. You slip on your pants and are just about to swap the top you're wearing, his top, with yours before freezing in fear. "Y/n?" F@#$ now he's awake, this couldn't get any more awkward

"Leaving so soon?" You swear you picked up a bit of disappointment in his voice but you ignore it. You turn around and huff, "Bri, last night-" "didn't have to mean anything if you don't want it to." You groan, "but that's just it Bri, I do want it to mean something. It meant something to me... I really like you." He tilts his head slightly and grabs your arm, bringing you back onto the bed. He holds you close and kisses you gently, "then don't go."

Okay I know Pinkly Smooth was the name of Brian and Jimmy's (I think) other band but I'm not entirely sure why "Pinkly"

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