(Chris Drew) smut: Guitar lessons

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You place the sheet music on its stand and pull out your classic guitar, strumming some cords to warm up. You give guitar lessons in your spare time and one of your students, Jeremy, is coming by. Nice kid, 11, kinda short, dirty blonde, polite.

The door opens and you place your guitar down, going to greet Sarah, Jeremy's mom, but find a cute guy, round about your age standing beside Jeremy instead. "Hey y/n, this is my brother, Chris." You turn to him and he smiles shyly and you shake his hand. "Um... so we'll be done in an hour, if you want to leave." You say, unsure. "Well, could I stay and watch?" "Yes, of course." You unnoticeably blush at how eager you sound and lead them into the studio where you hold the lesson. Chris flops onto the couch nearby while Jeremy takes the seat next to yours.

You spend the next hour going through cords and helping Jeremy where need be. Occasionally risking glances at Chris who seems to always have his eye on you.

"Great job kido, I think that's enough for the week." You say, packing your guitar in its bag. Chris stands as the three of you head back out. "Okay Jer, just remember to go over that scale we were working on then it should be fine." "Okay." Jeremy heads to the car while you hang back with Chris, "so Jeremy's your brother, I always wondered who he reminded me of." (An: oooooh plot twist) "yeah..." he sighs, "how've you been? We haven't spoken in like what, three years?" You and Chris were in the same high school, you were kinda close in the last two years of school until he left to take his band, Never Shout Never, further. Needless to say, the two of you drifted apart and you haven't spoken since. Seeing him now has just hashed up some old feelings.

"I've been -" "CHRIS LET'S GOOOOOO YOU PROMISED ICE CREAM!!!!!!!!!!!" The two of you chuckle, "well it seems I gotta dash, could I get your number, I don't want us to drift again." You take his phone and buzz your number, saving his as well. He hugs you and lingers, which surprises you but pleasantly. He still hugs so tightly. You smile to yourself, maybe he hasn't changed as much as you thought he would have.


"Oh my goodness no way," "I'm telling you, he crashed right into it! The entire thing came tumbling down." You say through laughs. After that day you've been texting each other and meeting up on occasion. Right now You and Chris are at the small park by your house, it's just after sunset and you seem to be the only ones left. You've been catching him up on some of the things that happened in your senior year after he left to tour, starting with a disastrous science fair and rounding it all up with the epic fails of graduation pranks.

He tosses his arm over your shoulder and brings you into his side, "you haven't changed y/n." You look at him, "oh goodness really? You mean to say I'm still as awkward and uncoordinated as I was in highschool?" He chuckles, pulling you closer, "when you put it like that... no. But you're still as down to earth and as easy to talk to as I last remembered and you still have the brightest (e/c) eyes I enjoyed getting lost in...and you still have those lips I dreamt of kissing" you hardly hear that last part since he mumbled it but you could swear he said something about kissing you. "Wait what?" "What what?" "What was that?" "What was what?" "What was that last part?" "What last part?" You can definitely see the blush in his face and you take a chance, doing something you've wanted to do for years now. He must've had the same idea as he leans in with his hand in your hair, your lips colliding. You can literally taste the latent passion and the dormant affection. He pulls you onto his lap and holds your waist, his tongue begging for entrance which you give.

When the two of you finally pull away for air, you open your eyes slowly, afraid you might wake up from a dream. Your fears dispell when you find Chris' big brown eyes smiling back at you. "I have no idea why I didn't do that all those years ago." You smile, reattaching your lips. This time the kiss is more passionate and a lot more... hungry, sparking something bellow. You subconsciously rub your hips and as you catch yourself enough to stop, Chris pulls your hips down harder, grinding against you and causing you to moan. You feel something poke you, "we should take this to my place..." "mmm..." you reluctantly pull away, heading back to your apartment.


The moment the door's closed, your lips are back together. Chris lifts you by your bum and you wrap your legs around his waist, he grinds against you again. He moans, "I've thought about you all this time y/n. You're so beautiful." He drops you onto the sofa and you pull his shirt off. He gets on top of you and pulls yours off too, biting away at your neck and soon finding your sweet spot. Your head lulls back with a moan and you begin palming Chris through his jeans. He moans into your neck and raises his head, his eyes searching yours for permission which you quickly give.

Chris sits up between your legs and strips you of the rest of your clothing, along with his, then positions himself at your entrance. He takes your hands in his, your fingers weaving together, as he slides into you slowly. You exchange moans before his lips return to your neck. He starts out slow, giving you time to adjust, before speeding up steadily. Soon he has you clawing away at his back with one hand, the other still holding his, as he hits your spot with almost every thrust.

His grip on your hand tightens as the two of you approach your highs, his thrusts becoming erratic. With one last thrust you release, your back arching as you scream his name. He groans and finishes right after you. The two of you spend a moment catching your breathe before Chris pulls you to his chest and mumbles "I love you y/n." breathlessly. "I love you too, Chris". You head over to your room, falling asleep in each others arms

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