N preferences (5sos): demigods

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Son of Zeus, Michael, is often feared and remains generally alienated by the other kids in the camp because of his short temper and his habit of losing control of his powers in what seems to him to be the most poorly timed moments so he finds it hard at first to handle all the attention he begins getting from you, child of Demeter.

Son of Apollo, Calum, isn't sure what attracts him to you, child of Hades, it's not that you've suddenly become interesting, you're still the same isolated figure clad in black his friends and siblings have always looked upon with twisted eyes. Calum figures it could be that yesterday was the first time he saw you smile and now he's made it his mission to be the reason you do it again.

Son of Ares, Ashton, is ruthless, domineering, and authoritative when it comes the challenges and you, child of Athena, are the immovable object in the way of his unstoppable force. The others know not to wander into the crossfire because the last kid who did spent 6 nights in the infirmary. Ashton will never admit it but he lives for those moments you clash.

Son of Poseidon, Luke, often takes the long route to the lake just so he can pass the small flower field on the other end of the camp where he'll most likely find you sitting or laying down, the flowers practically twice as beautiful just because you're there, child of Hegemone. This time 'round though you invite him to sit with you while you weave him a dorky flower crown.

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