(Ben Bruce) don't you dare

701 11 2

A/n: trigger warning: attempted suicide


Asking Alexandria are playing in your town so you decided to give them a break from the cramped tour bus and open up your home to them for the week. They've been close with you for several years now, each one with a special bond. Well all but Ben.

You and Ben were close, closer than you were with the others, but after you called out his slutty girlfriend on cheating on him and causing a whole lot of public drama for him a few months back, he's basically cut you out of his life in a way that's left you quite emotionally scarred. You're starting to think this isn't a friendship that's going to mend again.

Right now you're all sitting in your living room, eating, drinking, and watching football; Chelsea FC vs West Ham United to be exact. You're sitting back with the beer in your hand, perfectly satisfied with the 1-0 lead Chelsea has over West Ham. Sam, who is sitting next to you, on the other hand is livid, going on and on about the yellow card the ref just gave.

You sigh contently, you were stressing about Ben being over but it seems there's been an unspoken agreement to just avoid each other. Part of you still feels a cut when you realise it's been three days and neither of you have even said hello. You risk a glace in his direction, noticing him talking Cameron. You also notice how he doesn't seem all too... okay, he reminds you of how he was when he was suicidal and recklessly in love with drugs.

It took the two of you a long time to work through Ben's 'dark phase' as he calls it and you were the one who was there for him, the only one who was there for him.

"OOOOOOOOH!!!" You're pulled out your thoughts when Sam and James celebrate West Ham's first goal, turning around to gloat in your face though they've only equalised. The rest of the night was you floating between thinking about Ben and arguing with Sam and James.


Final day and the guys are out celebrating last night's performance, expect for Ben, whose been hauled up in the room he's sharing with James the whole day.

You kick yourself when you realise it's the room with all your project briefs for work, the work you have to get done before Friday which only gives you today, tomorrow, and Thursday to get done and you've procrastinated enough already. You trudge up the stairs and watch the door, calculating how you should approach it. Before you can come up with the best strategy your knuckles have made contact with wood.

Wait no! Fuck! You curse your reflex but you've committed so no point in turning away now

You clear your throat. "Ben?"


"Ben, I just need to get something, could you please open the door?"

Still nothing.

"Dude seriously?"

Again, nothing.

"Fuck it I'm coming in."

You step into his room and low and behold, no Ben. You stick my head out to check if he's on the balcony, no Ben. Where is he?

You hear the water running in the bathroom. Oh. But just as you walk past you notice the carpet's wet. He must've left it running by mistake. Dammit now the bathroom's flooded.

You try open the door but it's locked, what the fuck? Then you hear it, it's like a sob, broken and pained. Your heart stops, you've heard it before in darker times.



"Ben I know you're in there, open the door."

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