Chapter 38; Here We Go Again

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Isaac and I hopped off the motorcycle that we had rode all the way to the shore.
Isaac looked expectantly out at the ocean, and said, "We are going to have to get all the way out to that structure out there." He pointed at a fallen statue out in the middle of the water that seemed miles away.
Steven and Opal had gone to the Octarian homebase, while me and Isaac stood miles away from our destination, the NILs statue that Opal and Elliot had fought to escape from underground.
"Here, take my hand." Isaac said, holding out his hand.
I grabbed it and said, "What are you going to do?"
He started sprinting towards the water, and teal ink formed below him, that we sprinted on across the water.
We kept running miles, in the middle of the ocean, and asked, "How are you doing this?"
"I don't know, it just worked for me the other day." he responded.
"What?" I said quietly.
My legs were starting to hurt immensely, and Isaac said, "Just a little farther."
"Wow" I said, surprised at how fast we'd must've gone.
The ink path faded behind us, and Isaac and I began to scale the large statue. We successfully made it to the top of the statue, which reminded me of The Statue Of Liberty that I learned about from human history.
We climbed up into the eye of the statue, where the controls center for the statue was located.
"There's a bunch of papers in here." I said, motioning to the piles of papers randomly strewn about the room.
"Yeah, they've got to have something about what we're trying to figure out here." Isaac said, skimming the papers on the desk.
I saw pieces of the broken telephone below a desk.
"Someone's been here." I said seriously.
"Do you think they might've taken what we needed?" Isaac asked.
"Maybe, maybe if they knew we'd be coming."
"Why do I feel like they're one step ahead of us?" Isaac said, sighing.
"We should still check the papers." I said hopefully.
We began to skim through the papers, and seemed like it was hopeless, until I found one.
"Hey, look at this." I said, holding up a paper.
"What?" Isaac said, surprised and then walking up to me.
"Somebody definitely hid it, there's no way it could've flown into that locked cabinet." I said, pointing to the open drawer.
"You know how to pick a lock?" Isaac asked.
I nodded.
"Cool!" he said, "Sorry, anyway. What does it say?"
"It has a picture of a social pyramid inside the Octarian Army, but I can't read it, it's in Octarian." I said, pointing to the unreadable text.
"When we've searched the place a little more, we should give that to Marina, Opal, Phoenix, or even Elliot." Isaac said.
I put it in my left sweatshirt pocket, and we started to search the room more.
"We should probably try getting down to the underground facility. We're going to have to go the hard way, because Kamabo Co spontaneously closed, and because it's an Octarian facility now." Isaac said, pointing to an Octarian flag that was posted on top of a large building that stuck up out of the water.
"What? I was there a couple days ago..." I said confused.
"Come on." Isaac said, hopping out the room and out on the statue. I followed him and made it all the way to the edge of the statue.
"How are we supposed to get over there?" I asked Isaac, gripping the edge of the wall tightly. 
Isaac smiled, and threw a grapplink over to the other structure, pulled me onto him, and we floated to the other building quickly.
"That happened the other day too?" I asked him.
He nodded guiltily and grinned.
"Come on." he said, opening a trap door that opened up to a ladder.


Isaac and I had been searching through the base for a couple hours, and I was getting tired out of my mind, having to be on my guard for the entire time we've been down here. The place was heavily guarded with octoling and inktoling soldiers everywhere, but Isaac and I managed to sneak past all of them, or at least fight them, and go unnoticed throughout the base. My legs felt weak, and I knew we'd been here for a long while. But Isaac seemed to be unnerved and was as active as ever.
"Isaac, I'm getting a little tired." I whispered.
"Come on Faith, we can't stop now. I can tell that we are so close." Isaac said to me hopefully.
We were at a launching point, and we had obliterated all the enemies behind us, and I had cuts and bruises all over me, none of them too bad, luckily. I could tell that we had been making our way downward for over 5 hours at this point.
"How close?" I asked him.
"I'd say maybe another hour or so." Isaac responded nonchalantly.
"Another hour?!" I said defeatedly.
"Come on Faith, we have to keep going." Isaac said.
"Easy for you to say! You don't seem too tired!" I said, "I'm not sleepy tired, I just need a break. My- well, EVERYTHING, aches." I said annoyed.
"Okay..." Isaac said, walking up to me.
I leaned against the wall, and curled into a ball on the floor.
Isaac came by and sat next to me.
"I'd kill for any food, or water! I'm so thirsty and hungry." I complained.
"I am too..." Isaac said, grabbing his stomach.
I slouched down, "Why didn't we think to bring any?"
"I don't know. Maybe because we didn't think it'd take this long?" Isaac said annoyed.
"So you admit it! This is taking forever!" I said.
"Come on. Might as well get it over with." he said, standing up.
I got up and said, "Yeah, I guess."
Who knew that I would be a little more than surprised by what happened next.

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