Ch. 23

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   A male with pale purple hair, curled horns on top of his head, and dark crimson colored eyes was panting as he glances around the nearly destroyed ball room, who was this male? Well his name is Astaroth and he is currently being hunted by his youngest brother, Rin.
   Panting softly the pale purple haired male leans against the broken pillar and he looked like he had been crying from the slight red and puffiness of his eyes. "Found you~." A sinister sweet voice cooes from above him and Astaroth looked up to see a young demon that looked around 15.
   This young male had very light blue almost white haired and demonic red eyes that held pure bloodlust and a small sparkle of anger. "Rin....please listen to me.." The King of Rot mutters weakly as he gave his brother a begging and pitiful look.
   "Hmmm...." The light blue haired demon looked like he would consider listening to his brother before he crackled and flashed an angelically fanged  smile that honestly unsettled the crimson eyed male. "20...."
   A quick gasp came from Astaroth as he looked at the younger male with a hint of fear on his face and he quickly opened his mouth started talking since Rin was only giving him until he reached zero to fully explain  himself.
   "Yesterday I had gotten into a really bad fight with with the Pyro and he had set my castle on fire-" "19....." "-so I was pretty pissed off and earlier I had to give Father a report on how the fight started and Amaimon saw I was pissed off." Astaroth took a deep breath since he was speaking pretty fast and felt pressured to explain his side of the story.
   "18....." Rin's smile never faltered as he continued counting and while he was counting he was thinking of ways to torture his brother for making his favorite sibling cry which was a really bad idea since Rin was very protective of his siblings, except Yukio.
   "So he tried getting me to smile and cheer up which only angered me more since I didn't feel like talking and when he kept following me and trying to get me to open up I snapped and lashed out at him." Something flashed in the crimson eyes that belonged to Astaroth as he kept explaining.
   "17 16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9 8 7 6....." Rin quickened his counting making the older demon studder and look at him in disbelief as he tried explaining quicker. "So when I turned around and I yelled at him and said things I regret!" 


   Astaroth  turned around quickly as he gave the green haired demon a fierce and deadly glare that made Amaimon stiffen and stop walking. "What the bloody hell do you want! Can't you see I don't need a pathetic excuse of a demon following me!"
   "Asta-" Amaimon started talking in a shocked tone before getting cut off and flinched as he saw the hatred in his brothers eyes grow and become more visible. "What! What can you possibly have to say! You have nothing to say since you are nothing but a disappointment!"
   When Astaroth had said what he did the purple haired demon didn't notice that Amaimon stepped back a bit in disbelief. "Your useless and hold no value to this family! Honestly your even worse then Iblis! I wish I could remove you from this world!"
   The Demon King of Earth just continued staring at his older brother as he lashed out at him and Amaimon didn't notice that a tear slid down his face as his cyan blue eyes just stayed locked on the male in front of him.
   "I hate you and everything you've ever done in my life! You shouldn't have been born! My existence is nothing but a living hell and it started turning into nothing but pain and a life of misery ever since you were born!" 
   The words that were leaving the King of Rot's mouth were said with venom, spite, hatred, and pure anger which caused Amaimon to bite his button lip to keep from saying anything or making any noise as his brother kept going.
   "I wish you weren't my brother and I wish you would've died before now or became a miscarriage!"  At that a muffled sound that resembled a strangled cry came from Amaimon as he took a few more steps back from the enraged demon.
   "What's wrong!? Can't handle the truth? Well that just shows how much of a nuisance and how pathetic you really are! Your just a weak pathetic useless brat that does nothing but cause pain and regret for anyone you come in contact with!"
   The pale purple haired demon didn't even realize how much his words were hurting his most treasured sibling that he loved with all his heart before the ground shook and a few sniffles came from the youngest Demon King.
   All of Astaroth's anger anger vanished in an instant as he watched with shock and regret when Amaimon broke down in front of him. "....Amy....?" At the sound of his feminine nickname Amaimon whimpered and bolted down the hallway leaving Astaroth alone.
   With wide eyes the purple haired male covered his mouth with his hand as he replayed everything he had said to the cyan blue eyed demon. '.....I messed up big time....' He thought to himself as he looked down the hall Amaimon disappeared in.

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