Ch. 5

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   Here you go guys! A little something to go with the chapter! *hands everyone a large box of cookies with milk/coffee/tea or whatever*


   Annoyance, if there was one word to describe how the Ninth Son of Satan felt at the moment it would be annoyance. The sapphire eyed male glares at the male pinning him to the wall of the academy.
   "What the hell do you want?" Rin growls even if it wasn't audible to the human ear. "Answers, we want answers." Bon glares back as he keeps the Half Demon in place.
   "To what exactly? You don't have any right to demand me to do something." The sapphire eyed male was ready to hurt Bon, he had successfully ignored and avoided the exwires for the past few days.
   "You are so annoying!" The chicken styled male growls as he ignores the weird looks he was getting from the other students. "Thanks for noticing." Rin shoots back sarcastically, before realizing they had an audience causing him to get an idea.
   "Will yo-" The chicken styled males eyes widen when Rin grabs his shirt and pulls him into a kiss. The ravenette feels himself getting pushed against the wall more as Bon kisses back after a few seconds.
   'That's it, kiss me back and I'll watch as you fall for me.' Rin smirks lightly at his thoughts. He was going to enjoy breaking the males heart, he was incredibly bored so why not make someone fall in love with you?
   The half-demon pushes his captor away from him before he walks off with a deadly smirk on his face. "Cya later ya chicken haired brat." He waves, he spots a flash of green in the corner of his eyes.
   "Hello Amaimon, need something?" The ravenette tilts his head as he watches his older brother land beside him. "You are what I need." Amaimon looks at Rin from the corner of his eye.
   "Am I now?" Rin smirks as he opens the door to the dorm he was living in. "If I'm what you want then you can have me I'm all yours big brother."
   The green haired demon stares at the younger male, both had neutral expressions before they laugh. "C'mon Amai what do you want?" Curiosity was shining in Rin's eyes.
   "I'm bored." The teal blue eyed demon shrugs as he walks towards his brothers room. "Of course you are." The ravenette mumbles with a smile before following the Demon King.
   The half-demon yawns as he heads for his bed and lays down on it only for Amaimon to crawl in bed with him. "I wanna cuddle." The green haired demon purrs lightly as he pulls his brother closer.
   "Really?" Rin deadpans before rolling his eyes and relaxing beside the demon next to him. The sapphire eyed male starts running his fingers through the older demons hair behind causing him to purr louder.
   After a few minutes of the Ninth Son of Satan staring at the ceiling bored he hears light snoring. Casting a sideways glance at his brother, Rin smiles as he sees the demon king sleeping peacefully. 'Cute.' He mentally snickers as his thoughts.
   As the sapphire eyed demon starts falling asleep his phone rings causing a light groan from him. He glances at the sleeping demon before picking up his phone.
   "Hello?" He yawns and carefully teleports into the hallway so he doesn't wake up Amaimon. "We have a problem." Samuel's voice comes from the phone causing the half-demon to get confused.
   "What kind of problem?" His voice was shushed as he slowly walks away from his room. "Shiro and the exwires have gone missing, I believe some old friends of yours are to blame." Taunting was clear in the purple haired demons voice.
   "I'm on my way." The ravenette mumbles as he hangs up before sniffing the air for one of the missing peoples scents. His eyes snap open when he catches Shima's scent and he jolts out of the building.
   'If Samuel's messing with me I'm burning down his academy.' The ravenette growls as he quickly comes across an abandoned building. 'Don't tell me it's him.' He sighs and climbs up the side of the building and looks through the window.
   Rin spots his classmates and teacher tied up with some dried up blood on Bon's and Shima's faces. 'They tried to fight but they got knocked out by sleeping has huh?' He could smell the gases scent around the group.
   The half-demon smirks lightly as he opens the window and jumps through before landing soundlessly near the group. "Don't worry I'll get you out of here." He whispers very quietly causing most of them to jump up in shock at his sudden appearance.
   "How did you get here?" Shiro demands in a quiet tone of voice as he glares at Rin. "That's for me to know and for you to find out." Rin mumbles with a scowl before he jumps into the shadows as someone enters the room.
   The large man had scars and tattoos littering his body as his striking blue eyes demanded respect. "Where's Rin Okumura!" His thunderous voice demands as he earns whimpers from the teens.
   "What do you want with him anyway!" Yukio glares at the male with dirty blonde hair with disgust and hate. "Yukio!" Shiro growls before glaring at the male. "What do you want with my son?"
   The sapphire eyed male cringed when Shiro called him his son. 'If only you meant those words.' He shakes his head before throwing a knife at the blonde.
   "WHO THREW THAT!?" The buff male yells angrily before The sapphire eyed demon comes into view. "I did." Rin smiles sweetly as he watches the male grab the knife that hit his arm.
   "Its been awhile Norton three years I believe?" The Ninth Son of Satan giggles at Norton with amusement when the male throws his knife back at him, only for Rin to catch it.
   "Now I can get my revenge on you Okumura after three long of years training and getting stronger." The blonde laughs darkly before he coughs when getting kicked in the stomach by Rin.
   "Dude that's all you've been doing? Get a life geez." The half-demon dodged a bullet coming from behind him much to his classmates and teachers shock.
   "He dodged that!? Without even knowing a gun was being pointed at him!?" Shima screams as he watches the ravenette easily dodge bullets, punches, and kicks as if it was easy, which is was for said male.
   "This is boring." Rin yawns bored before he goes for a punch and grins when Norton dodged only to receive a blow to his jaw when Rin's elbow slams into it. A sickening crack echoes around the room.
   Everyone's attention was on the fighting males as Norton stumbles back only to gasp in pain when a certain sapphire eyed male stabs his razor sharp claws into his chest.
   "You really did waste my time, you could've just had a normal life but you were so hell bent on fighting me you didn't see that possibility." Rin's tone was cold as his eyes held hints of bloodlust.
   "Y-your a-a m-monster." Norton coughs up blood and watches as the male in front of him tips out his heart. "Thanks for noticing." The half-demon sticks out his tongue before dropping the males heart on the ground.
   "Let them go or you'll all die one way or another." Innocence clear in the ravenette's voice causing everyone to shiver in fear. As soon as the exwires and Shiro were free they all ran up to Rin.
   "The fuck was that Okumura!" The chicken styled male demands as he glares at Rin. "You just killed a man and your smiling!" Anger and disgust was clear in the ma males aura.
   "Better him then you guys~." The sapphire eyed demon purrs as he tilts his head at the others with bloodlust shining in his irises. "W-what are you?" The pinklet studders in fear as he backs away from the group.
   "Rin you do know you'll be locked up in prison for murdering someone correct?" Shiro sounded calm but he wasn't, no one but Rin could tell what he was feeling.
   "Believed it or not but I just completed a favor for the police Sensei." A giggle echoes around the Ninth Son of Satan as he heads for the exit while the police rush in.
   What Rin didn't see was the fear in everyone's eyes as they watched the ravenette speak with the sheriff as if they were old friends. One thought went through everyone who witnessed the sapphire eyed male murder their kidnapper.

Who the hell are you Rin Okumura?

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    Hey everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter! I want to thank everyone who's added this story to their libraries and for those of you who leave comments showing me that you enjoy this story *smiles*

   If you have any advice or personal comments feel free to pm me or comment on here!!! Anyway imma stop boring you guys cya next update!

*hides in me hidden cave to make more cookies* 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

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