Ch. 2

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   Rin shakes his head shaking the water droplets out of his wet hair. "I wonder what'll happen when Shiro finds out the sword he has is fake." He then chuckles darkly as he imagines his reaction to the fake sword.
   The ravenette then snaps his fingers gently before a sword in its sheath appears in the air as it glows a bright blue. "Astaroth upgraded my sword again?" He whispers pulling the sword from its sheath.
   The blade was made from obsidian with shards of sapphires running across the middle. The handle was made from black leather causing the user to have a good grip. Silver linings coated the edge of the handle, and where the blade and handle meet a glowing sapphire is shown.
   Rin smirks as he looks over the new sword before he slashes the air causing him to whistle. "This is the best upgrade yet! I'm so keeping it like this!" He laughs lightly before he puts the sword away as someone knocks on the door.
   "Come in!" The sapphire eyed male yells as he reaches for his uniform jacket. The door opens and a certain brunette enters the room. "I came to tell you that I'm staying in this dorm as well, my room is three doors down."
   Rin hums in response before he secretly sends his sword back to his room in Satan's castle. "I already knew that, Mephisto told me when I got my room assignment." The truth was Rin could smell Yukio in the building but he chose to lie.
   "Oh...well I'm going out for a few hours cya later Rin." Yukio mutters before he left the room, then the hall. Rin snickers lightly before he gets out a gold key. "I'll see you sooner than you think Yuki~."
   Inserting the key in the lock to his bedroom door, Rin turns the key and opens the door to the pretty hallway. As he whistles he enters the hall and heads for room the exwires classroom bored.
   The sapphire eyed male enters the room and takes notice that he was the first to arrive. The male bites his tongue to keep from giggling as his tail slides across his back tickling him, while he heads for the back of the room.
   After about five minutes the door opens to reveal a boy with pink hair walking into the room. He looks around and waves when he sees me, Rin's response was a small nod of existence to the male. Soon enough after the pinklet entered the a two more teenage males walk in.
   One was short with glasses and had no hair, the other had brown hair with a yellow streak running down the middle. "Shima! Why'd you leave!?" The bald one squeaks in fear causing amusement for Rin as he watches unnoticed.
   "You guys were taking to long so I went ahead no need to get upset Miwa (is that right?). "That's no excuse!" The chicken hair styled male yells angrily. 'Amusing.' Rin smirks lightly as he continues watching.
   "Well sorry for leaving you both jeez." The pinklet , Shima, rolls his eyes as he watches his friends sit beside him. Rin stares at the three males for a few more seconds before he looks at the door when it opens.
   A girl with purple hair and poka brows looking eyebrows walks into the room, followed by a guy in a guy hoodie who had his hood up.
   The purple haired female sits behind Shima while ignoring his tries at flirting with her. Rin yawns which gets a few teens attentions. "How long have you been sitting there!?" The chicken styled male bellows.
   "Five minutes before pinky walked in." Rin states with a monotone voice as Shima whines about the fact Rin called him Pinky. "Why didn't you say something sooner!?" The same male growls in disapproval.
   "Bon calm down!" The bald head teen exclaims worried about his friend. The said male marches up to Rin who raises an eyebrow at him.
   "That's enough! Settle down and take your seats!" A new older voice demands. Bon scowls and returns to his seat while Rin looks at the teacher who happens to be Shiro.
   "Rin!?" The white haired man yells shocked as he stares at the sapphire eyed male. "Hey there old man." Rin smirks as he chuckles lightly.
   "Why are you here Rin?" Shiro questions calming down just as Rin was about to answer Yukio entered the room. The twins then locked eyes and stared at each other.
   Yukio looked bewildered while Rin looked amused by what was going on. "What in God's name are you doing here?" The brunette demands as he narrows his eyes.
   The others in the room watched silently as the scene continues to progress. "I'm sorry but why do you care?" Rin bats his eyelashes as he tilts his head.
   "Enough! We'll ask each other questions about why we're here and whatnot after we introduce ourselves." Shiro interrupts before an argument begins.
   Yukio huffs and sits down in the front row of the class. "Now then let's start with the introductions. My name's Shiro Fujimoto and I'm your homeroom teacher. " Shiro smiles at the exwires.
   The pinklet stands up and flashes a lazy tired smile. "Names Shima Renzo, just call me Shima." When he sits down the chicken styled male takes his place.
   "I'm Ryuji Suguro, call me Bon." He says full of confidence before sitting down. "I'm Konekomaru Miwa (plz say that's right) plz call me Konekomaru." The short bald teen introduces when he stood up .
   Poka brows stood up and narrows her eyes at everyone. "My name's Izumo Kamiki." She then sits down and the guy in the hoodie stands up. "Yamada." Was all he said.
   "Rin Okumura. " The ravenette yawns not even standing up which earns him a glare from his twin. "I'm Yukio Okumura." The mole eyed teen smiles at the class.
   The door suddenly opens and a familiar green eyed purple haired demon walks in. "Forgive the intrusion! I was showing a new student to the class!" He laughs in a cheery voice.
   A blonde hair girl with bright green eyes shyly walks into the room while messing with her fingers. "I apologize for being late!" She bows as Shiro chuckles lightly.
   "It's fine just introduce yourself and we'll get started!" The white haired man smiles. "I'm Morigama (totally spelt that wrong) Shiemi pleasure to meet you!" Shiemi bows again this time to the class.


Hey guys! I know Shiemi comes later in Blue Exorcist but I felt like adding her in now hehe! Have a good day/night everyone!

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