Ch. 19

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   Heya everyone! Enjoy the chapter please! I hope everyone has a good day/night anyway cya soon!!


   "So why are you handing me these?" Karma raises an eyebrow as he holds the bamboo sticks in his hands. "Training." Was Rin's answer as he takes off his shirt.
   The red head stares at his lovers pale skin that had curse marks and possession marks littering his stomach as well as blue flames tattooed on his right arm in a unique pattern.
   "Nice tattoos." The sadist compliments with a grin as he watches Rin shrug and get into a fighting position. "My brothers gave most of them to me when I was younger."
   "Hn." Was Karma's reply as he copies Rin's stance before the ravenette and red head start sword fighting with the bamboo sticks in their hands.
   Rin hits Karma on the cheek with his bamboo stick when watches as he gasps in pain. "Focus Karma, predict your opponents next move, I've seen you fight with a sword and it's pitiful to say the least."
   A scowl comes from the mercury eyed male as another round starts but ends with Rin slamming a stick onto the back of Karma's knee knocking him down.
   "Take your shirt off." The sapphire eyed male demands as he circles the assassin as he gets up. The human does as told and removed his shirt revealing a few scars that never fully healed.
   "Mind explaining why your doing this?" The sadist narrows his eyes as the males circle one another ready for another round before the door of the hidden gym opens to reveal Nagisa.
   "Sorry for interrupting your training but Yukio and the exwires are here for something." The blue eyed assassin says before he smiles and leaves the room and goes up stairs.
   Karma and Rin look at each other before shrugging and putting on their sweat shirts before dropping the sticks and heading up stairs while Rin's tail tucks itself away.
   "So they don't know your secret?" The sadist tilts his head as the ravenette nods with a smirk. "Well Shima knows but he's not gonna tell anyone."
   A nod comes from Karma as he rubs his stinging cheek a d feels a little blood on his skin. "I didn't hurt you did i?" The sapphire eyed male looks at his boyfriend smelling his blood.
   "Just a scratch nothing to bad." Karma smiles as he lets the ravenette look at the small cut before Rin frowns and walks out of his room towards the kitchen for a bandaid.
   The mercury eyed assassin sits down beside his partner before Sheimi gasps. "Karma what happened to your face!?" She was instantly by his side looking at the wound.
   "Nothing!" Karma narrowed his gaze as he carefully pushes the blonde away as Rin comes back and grabs the red haired male's face forcing him to look at him.
   "It's not deep which is good." The half-demon mumbles as he placed a towel damped with rubbing alcohol on the wound causing a hiss of pain from Karma.
   "I'm cleaning the wound so stay still." Rin demands as he continues what he's doing as the others watch them before Nagisa giggles lightly at Karma's pain filled face.
   A death glare was immediately sent to Nagisa by the red haired assassin before he lets out a whimper when Rin rubbed a cream onto the cut to stop the blood from leaving his body.
   "Never knew an injury like this could be caused by a bamboo stick." Rin chuckles lightly as he carefully places a bandage over the cut before Yukio grabs Rin's wrist and forces him to the ground.
   "What the hell do you mean by that? Did you attack him with a fucking bamboo stick!?" The brunette's tone was full of anger and hatred which didn't effect Rin.
   Before Rin or anyone could say anything Karma gave off some of his bloodlust. "Let him go or someone might lose a body part." The males voice was dark as he eyes shined with pure bloodlust.
   Nagisa was glaring at Yukio as the brunette releases his older twin and sits down. 'What's with them?' Bon stares in shock as he notices the ravenette stand up and place a hand on Karma's shoulder.
   "Calm down, I'm fine he can't do anything to hurt me you know that." Rin's voice was soothing and calming resulting in the mercury eyed assassin to calm down.
   Karma keeps his fierce glare aimed at Yukio as the ravenette shakes his head and places the first aid kit on the coffee table then Rin leans against the Satanist.
   "You guys are adorable." Nagisa smiles sweetly before Rin pulls the bluenette into his lap and starts playing with his long hair as the small assassin tries escaping from Rin but fails in the end.
   "Your hair is so fluffy Nagi-chan." The sapphire eyed male giggles as he starts braiding Nagisa's silky blue hair while the assassin gives up trying to make his escape.
   Karma smirks lightly as he watches his boyfriend and partner in assassination interact. He shifts around until he could lay his head on Rin's shoulder.
   The three of them never noticed that the exwires had left them to themselves since the others had made plans for the day and had asked Nagisa to join but the bluenette refused politely.
   Eventually Nagisa fell asleep due to how gentle Rin was being with his hair which was soothing while Karma himself was watching the demon beside him as he finishes the braid.
   "We should get him to bed." The half-demon mumbles as he picked up the sleeping assassin bridal style while standing up with the red head following suit.
   "Yea." The sadist agrees as they head up stairs towards Nagisa's dorm room, which he didn't share, and places him on the bed before Karma covered him up and grabbed Rin's hand leaving the room.
   'Now I can put my plan into action.' A deadly smirk appears on Karma's face as the two love birds enter their dorm room.


   Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!!! I hope everyone has a wonderful day/night!! Anyway I'll cya soon my adorable cookies!!


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