Ch. 22

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   Hey guys!!! Its been awhile hehe and I'm sorry about that I've been busy with my personal life and I hope that you can understand!!! I should be updating more throughout the days but I'm not completely sure!!! 


   As the group of teens headed to the closest cafe Rio was questioning Rin and Karma on what had been going on with their love life. "So what do you want to know? Any specific questions or wanting of information for scenarios that hasn't happened?" A certain red haired assassin asks the blonde female as she looks at them.

    "How long have you both been together?" Rio starts off her integration with the basic question of wanting to know about relationships. "A few days." The raven haired Demon Prince replies as he holds his mates hand while he smiles at his former classmates.

   "Who confessed first?" Rinka asks as she joins the conversation with a slight curious look as she looks at the couple. "They kissed then started dating no confession needed." A neon blue eyed assassin answered before Karma had a chance to say something random.

   "So changing the subject but how's Koro-Sensei?" The 9th Son of Satan asks since he hadn't heard about what happened to his former teacher. "I killed him." Nagisa said dully as his expression changed to a dull one with darkened eyes.

   Something changed in the atmosphere around the group before Itona got everyone's attention by sighing. "So no one's told them?" He looked at Rio mostly as confusion appeared on Rin, Nagisa, and Karma's faces when the silver haired male said his question.

   "Told us what?" Karma narrows his eyes as he somewhat glares at the people he called friends and family. "You'll see when we get to the cafe~." Maehara chuckles as he holds the door to the cafe open for the rest of the group.

   A low growl comes from the ravenette when they didn't give an actual answer to the question Karma had asked. "If i react badly its not my fault." The demon mentioned as he walked past the orange haired male that was holding the door open causing him to pale from fear.

   "Oh calm yourself Rinny~." A blonde woman cooed as she goes and brings her former student into a tight embrace. "Now....WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN YOU LITTLE BRAT?!?!?!" The former teacher hollered before a man in a business suit shut her up with a glare. 

   "Irina allow me to ask him questions, now Rin where did you go?" Karasuma said after pulling his wife off the demon while ignoring the laughing students. "I had to help one of my brothers sent his heart got stabbed." Rin replied as he glared at the blonde teacher with annoyance.

   "Is he ok?" The government agent asked with a straight face as he watches the girls talk with his wife who was sulking in her seat at how mean Karasuma had been. "Yea he's still as hot headed as always." Rin shrugged before looking at Karma when he felt his arms wrap around his waist.

   "C'mon Rio has something to show us." The red haired Satanist chuckles as he licks the demons cheek causing a grumble from the ravenette. After saying a quick farewell to the black haired agent the pair walks to their friends who were heading outside through the back door.

   After about 15 minutes Rin snapped his fingers and summoned his sword then he unsheathed it then threw it in the air only for Karma to catch it and examine the blade. "Cool blade, how much did you have to pay to have this done?" The mercury eyed male questions as he slices the air with the sword successfully getting the others attention.

   "Put the sword away!" Nagisa hisses as he snatches the deadly weapon from the one holding it then he sheathes the sword. "I got it for free since Astaroth made it and Nagi loosen up Karma wouldn't hurt anyone here with the sword." The half-breed reassures as he takes his favorite weapon back from the short human.

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