Ch. 6

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   Rin yawns as he watches his classmates get questioned by the police, he kept getting scared expressions from them which didn't bother him.
   "So how'd you find this place Rin?" The sheriff looks at the ravenette with his dull black eyes. "Those idiots got themselves captured." The half-demon chuckles lightly as he  looks at the red haired sheriff.
   "Wait so that old man over there let those kids get kidnapped?" Anger was clear in the males eyes and voice as he stomps towards Shiro.
   'This is going to be amusing.' Rin smirks as he follows the angered red head. "Mr. Fujimoto!" The sheriff yells as he gets closer, he had successfully got everyone's attention.
   "Sheriff Conrad something the matter?" The white haired man smiles at the officer. "I've just found out that you let these teenagers get kidnapped!" Conrad narrows his eyes as he ignores Rin's failed attempts at stopping his laughter.
   "I didn't let them get kidnapped, we were knocked out before I could do anything." Shiro stares at the angered human being silently. "Those two boys have wounds from a fight!" The sheriff growls in disapproval.
   "Sir I can explain-" Shiro gets cut off by the sheriff when he gets a death glare . "Explain what? That you let these teenagers fight off gang members?" Conrad was about to blow a fuse before Rin appears in front of the exwires and Shiro.
   "Dude relax, as much as I'd love for this to continue we don't have time for this. These guys got school tomorrow as well as a few exams so...." The ravenette trails off causing the sheriff to sigh.
   "Alright, Shiro we'll finish this later, I got this mess to clean up." The red head throws a small glare at Rin who sticks out his tongue while looking away innocently.
   "Cya Conrad." Rin waves as he motions for the others to follow him. Once they were a few blocks away Bon turns the ravenette around. "What the fuck was that?" He tried asking in a calm tone, key word tries.
   " Nothin much, just saving your asses." The sapphire eyed male tilts his head as he looks at the humans surrounding him. "How did you do that?" Sheimi asks in a tinder voice as she looks at Rin with fear in her green eyes.
   "Do what? Rip out the guys heart?" The half-demon tilts his head to the left confused on what Sheimi was asking. "No how you did the Salsa with him- of course she means ripping out his heart!" Yukio glares at his older brother with hatred.
   Rin glares back as he holds a challenging growl back before looking at the others. "How else? All I did was cut it out nothing more."
   " You didn't have a knife or anything with a blade when you ripped out the guys heart!" Bon was ready to punch him but gets held back by Shima and Konekomaru (kinda forgot about him... I'm sorry).
   "I used my nails." The ravenette stares as if they should have known that. " Your nails? " Yukio blinks dumbfounded before jumping when Rin's pointy nails were in his face.
   "Yea, my nails can cut through almost anything." The ravenette smiles as he shows his drill shaped nails to everyone causing them to back away.
   "Since when did your nails become like this?" Shiro raises an eyebrow as his carefully examined the Ninth Son of Satan's nails. "Since I was 10." Rin shrugs as he lets his nails return to normal before his phone goes off.
   "Huh?" The sapphire eyed male had forgotten about the electronic in his pocket so he pulls it out seeing a text from one of his older brothers.
'Heya Blue Boy, don't forget about tomorrow! Try not to keep me waiting kay?' The text was from The Demon King of Water, Egyn.
   Rin chuckles lightly before putting away his phone before looking at the others. "Your so annoying!" He hears Bon yell at Izumo who was glaring daggers at him.
   "At least I don't act like an idiot when surrounded by people who have guns!" The purple haired girl yells back annoyed. Before more shouting could be done Rin appears between them and bashes their heads together. (If you know what this scene is comment!)
   "What the bloody hell happened while I checked my phone?" The sapphire eyed male asks in a deadpanned tone. "They just started arguing." Miwa sighs as he looks at the two dizzy exwires.
   "Sounds about right." The ravenette mumbles as he stuffs his hands in his pockets and starts walking. "Cya later, try not to kill each other, I'd hate to lose my sources of entertainment ~."
The sapphire eyed male yawns as he heads into a candy store to buy some sweets since someone (*cough* Amaimon *cough cough*) are all his candy.
   'Honestly, the things I do for entertainment.' Rin giggles quietly before throwing random bags of sweets into his basket then going to the checkout line.
   "That'd be $***.** Sir." The man checking Rin's candy out says in the most dead tone the ravenette has ever heard, and he's heard a lot of dead tones.
   "Here you are, keep the change." The half-demon smiles a bit before walking out of the store and sending his bags to his room at the dorm. "Hopefully King Candy is still asleep, Father knows when the last time he slept was."
   Rin stares at the sky as he smells rain coming causing him to smile in gratitude. 'Tomorrow's gonna be a blast, especially with Egyn.' He couldn't help but smirk as he tries thinking of what might happen tomorrow.
   'I just hope we leave a big splash when we're done.' The ravenette purrs lightly as he feels the rain start falling and hitting his fluffy hair.


   Hey everyone! I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! If you didn't I'm sorry! Welp Imma go annoy my mom bye bye!

   *hands everyone cookies with a smile before leaving* 🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪🍪

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