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   Hey guys! I'm so sorry for not updating for a while it's just that I got busy and for the rest of the week (minus the weekend) I'm helping with the musical Aladdin Jr. for my High school and that counts for next week as well and next Friday and Saturday is when the show is so that's gonna be fun and if you guys are wondering no I'm not playing a part in the musical I'm doing props which is just as important since no props then the show wouldn't be as good hehe
   So yea hope you understand and I'll try updating a few times over the weekend if I'm not to busy so far I don't have plans which is awesome but one never knows when something will come up hehe
   Hope everyone has a good day/night and try to stay safe guys please a lot of violent things are happening and I don't want any of you to get hurt by doing or being involved in something that could get you in major trouble or worse so please be responsible and normalish(this isn't a word but it's now in my dictionary so shh) human beings if you can
   I'll stop annoying everyone lol so bye bye my adorable cookies!!!!!



   To everyone who gets the meme at the top!! I love you all!!!!

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