Ch. 16

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   Heya everyone! Just wanted to let you guys know that there is going to be something special about this chapter Idk why I suddenly had this idea but I hope everyone enjoys this chapter hehe have a good day/night my adorable cookies!!



   As Rin was running he sighs as he jumps on a trashcan and jumps up before landing on a building. He then keeps going not noticing the two sets of eyes following his movements.
   The ravenette giggles as he feels his hair get messier as he runs and jumps from building to building freely. 'This is nice no mission or no -' His thoughts got cut off as a gunshot echoes around.
   Being on the ledge of a building Rin slips and starts falling from the sudden noise. Before he could get to far down someone catches him.
   The scent of strawberry milk and blood hits the ravenette's nose as he looks up to find mercury gold colored eyes glistening with amusement.
   "Wow! I thought it'd take more to scare you!" The male laughs as he pulls Rin up before the half-demon looks at the laughing red haired male.
   The male had a tight fitted shirt with a cameo jacket and some baggy pants, his belt was carrying dagger holders and guns. 'Karma Akabane?' The sapphire eyed male blinks.
   "Karma!" A feminine like voice shouts annoyed before the half-demon looks at a pair of glowing blue eyes. The shorter male walks out in a matching outfit to the red haired male.
   The new comer had bright blue hair matching his eyes and feminine look to him. 'Nagisa Shiota?' By this point the ravenette was completely confused.
   "Karma Nagisa?" Rin asks quietly as he stares at the two males he hasn't seen in almost three years. "Yup~." Karma giggles as he smirks his mischievous smirk.
   "Rin!" Nagisa grins as the bluenette runs and hugs him tightly. " We missed you so much! " The short assassin laughs as Rin subconsciously hugs back.
   "Aww I missed you too Gender." The half-demon uses the shorter males codename. "Wwwwwhhhhhhhhyyyyyyyy." Nagisa groans loudly as he continues hugging Rin before pulling away.
   Karma smiles fondly before he walks over to Rin and gently pulls him onto a hug. "Where did you go? Disappearing during training isn't right."
   " Wow your such a hypocrite. " The sapphire eyed demon laughs as he hugs back. "Shut up!" The mercury eyed male shouts as he tries punching him.
   Rin grabs his wrist and twirls Karma around before tangling their bodies together. "Never knew you could do the Salsa Cherry~." He purrs lightly.
   The red haired assassin blushes bright red when he realized their faces were an inch apart. 'Wow.' Nagisa giggles in his thoughts as he watches the two of them.
   Rin breathes slowly and calmly as he glances at the red haired male lips before leaning closer. Karma blinks before closing the gap between them.
   As the two continue to kiss a snapping sound echoes around before both males look at the blue haired assassin who had taken a picture. "I'm sending this to Rio."
   Once that was said both Rin and Karma untangled and started running after the short male who was ahead of them. "Don't you dare Nagisa!" Karma warns in a deadly voice .
   The said assassin smirks and keeps jumping and running around on the rooftops heading for True Cross Academy for no reason what so ever.
   Rin growls lightly as he notices where they were heading though he didn't stop them. 'Wait aren't these two in High School already? Why are they dressed like their on a mission?'
   After about ten minutes of the two males chasing after the shorter one they stop at Rin's dorm room. "Hm?" Rin tilts his head before jumping up to the mini balcony he has followed by Karma.
   "Nice room you have Rin." Nagisa smiles as he looks around the room with interest. "Thanks Gender." Rin grins a little as Nagisa glares at him.
   "Its Blue Python." The blue haired assassin sighs as he jumps on the comfy bed. "Mines Red Devil." Karma smirks as he sits down on a chair and watches Rin.
   "You both became professional Assassins?" Hesitation was clear in his voice as he glances at the both of them. Both nod to his question as they smile a bit.
   "Don't worry we only kill those who need to be killed." Nagisa reassures the half-demon who sighs in relief. "We just finished a mission Bitch-sensei gave us."
   A snort came from the ravenette as he images his old teacher. "Its been what? Almost two years since I last saw everyone?" He gets a nod from the blue haired assassin.
   "We wanna know something Rin." Karma sighs as he gains his lovers attention. "Why did you suddenly leave? Ritsu told us that during the assassination attempt on Karasuma-sensei you got a call from one of your brothers saying to come home."
   Rin looks at the floor in guilt. "One of my brothers got his heart stabbed a couple times so I had to go make sure he was ok since he wasn't moving or talking. "
   "Is he ok?" Nagisa breaks the silence that fell between the three of them easily. "Hm? Yea his perfectly fine!" The Ninth Son of Satan laughs as he sits on the floor.
   "Oh and Karma, does that kiss make us a couple?" Rin tilts his head as he looks at the red haired assassin. "Yea if you want us to be." Karma smirks as he replies.
   Rin brightens up as he immediately pulls his, new, boyfriend to him and takes in his scent. "You guys should join True Cross Academy, I'm sure I could get you enrolled."
   "It's up to Karma." The blue eyed male giggles as he watches his partners face match his hair. "Bitch-sensei wants us to finish our education so why not? It'll be fun~." A dark glint shines in Karma's eyes.
   Rin pulls away from Karma and stands up before opening his closest and throwing them some of his clothes. "Take a shower and wear those, we'll get you enrolled tomorrow since its late."
   " What about -" Rin cut off the short male with a cute grin. "Tomorrow Nagisa, I'll skip school and help you both get enrolled and get you a dorm room and a couple uniforms. "
   "Alright." The bluenette sweatdrops as he watches Rin pull out some extra mattresses from a storage room closest before he notices Karma was taking a shower.
   The red haired male comes out wearing black sweatpants and red hoodie. "Your up Nagisa." He smiles as he goes to help Rin. The blue haired assassin gets up and heads for the bathroom.
   Rin and Karma quickly set up the two extra beds silently before looking at each other. "I love you Rin/Karma." They chime in unison grinning brightly.
   "Creepy." Nagisa mutters as he appears in a oversized white shirt and some pajama shorts that are blue. "What's creepy Blueberry?" The two lovers ask him in unison.
   A shiver ran down the shorter males spin as he quickly gets in bed and hides under the blankets. "Good night!" He squeaks as he hears them laughing .
   "Good night ~." Karma purrs as he pecks Rin's lips and lays down on his makeshift bed. "Night guys." Rin smiles as he also lays down on his bed and falls asleep in the now silent room.


   I hope everyone enjoyed this chapter!!! Oh and yes I did add Nagisa and Karma from Assassination Classroom and normally I'd ship Nagisa with Karma and Rin with Bon but I thought why not ship Karma and Rin? Yesterday during lunch at school me and one of my bff's decided to see how Karma x Rin would be and it became one of out ships hehe please don't hate me!!

Anyway I'll stop annoying everyone bye bye my adorable cookies!!


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