Ch. 9

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   Rin looks at the purple haired demon in front of him annoyed as he waits for the exwires and Shiro to walk through the door. "Why am I being sent on a mission why them anyway?"
   "Because out of everyone going on this little mission I trust you the most." Samuel replied as he sips some tea before looking at his youngest brother. "That and you'll protect them without complaining."
   The ravenette rolls his eyes as he looks out the window bored, he didn't want to go on the random mission but he was dieing of boredom that and he didn't have a choice in the matter of whether or not he wanted to go.
   "Whatever, just don't expert me to do everything I'll only help if I need to." Rin yawns before closing his eyes, but as fate would have it the others going on the mission with him walked through the door before he could fall asleep.
   "Its 6 in the morning! Why did you have us wake up so early!" Shima's voice raises above the others as mumbles of agreement soon followed.
   "You all will be going on a to in the northern part of Japan!" Samuel announced in the most cheery voice he could muster at the moment.
   "Yay." The ravenette grumbles sarcastically as he watches his older brother hand Shiro some papers, he guessed they held the details of the mission or whatever.
   " Now now, you can all go back to sleep on the train! Also I'll be paying for travel expenses including food. " The purple haired demon adds before getting a glare from Rin.
   "The train station doesn't open for another hour!" Rin complains as he stands up and heads for the door. "Rin, don't walk out that door or else." The second Son of Satan threatens with a death glare.
   "Or what? You'll force me to go? Your already doing that!" The sapphire eyed male growls lightly before opening the door and walking down the hall with the others following him.
   "So where are we going now?" Sheimi asks politely as Rin looks at the others confused. "I'm getting breakfast you guys do whatever..." The half-demon rubs his eyes as he heads for the gates.
   "We'll come with you." Yukio says sternly as he looks at his twin with his eyes demanding he protest. "Knock yourselves out." The ravenette mumbles as he pulls out his wallet and grabs some cash.
   Rin heads into a cafe as he ignored the others behind him as they talk to themselves. He made it a point to ignore them since he didn't feel like talking to them.
   After placing his order he walks over to an empty table for two while the exwires sit a a group table. "Rin! Come join us!" Shima laughs as he motions for him to come over.
   "No thanks." The ravenette grumbles as he waits for his order while looking at the other people in the building, some teens, adults, kids and the employees.
   "47!" An employee announced happily as Rin gets up and grabs his food after saying thank you. He sips on his cappuccino while setting down his donut, muffin, and kolache.
   He heard the number 48 being called before he looks at Shiro when he got up to get the food while the teenagers joked around with one another.
   'Honestly why does it have to be me that does the boring missions?' Rin groans mentally as he subconsciously eats his breakfast while thinking.
   The ravenette soon finishes his meal and glances at the exwires and Shiro seeing that they were still eating before getting up and leaving. He wanted to get to the train before them so he doesn't have to be around them more than he has too.
   Once arriving at the station he takes a seat and waits for the man carrying his ticket to arrive with the exwires behind him. 'Why didn't I take the tickets? I'm an idiot!' He sighs at his thoughts.
   After about thirty minutes he hears Shima screaming about a bug. 'Is he scared of bugs?' The half-demon questions himself before smirking since he found a way to set up a prank on Shima.
   "Kill it! Kill it! Kill it!" Renzo cries as he latches himself onto Izumo who in return glares at him silently demanding he get off of her, which he eventually does after Bon smushed the poor cockroach.
   'Poor thing.' The ravenette frowns as he silently takes a moment to send Beelzebub a messages saying one of his bugs got killed. "Rin! There you are!" Shiro sighs in relief before handing the ravenette his ticket.
   "How does it take thirty minutes to finish eating?" Rin deadpans as he takes his ticket and walks towards the train after getting his ticket checked.
   'I need sleep.' The half-demon jumps on a chair and gets comfortable or at least tries to do he can fall asleep while the ride goes on for Satan knows how long the ride will last.


   Hey guys! Sorry for the late update ({even though I don't have a update schedule}) I just couldn't figure out how to type this chapter. I knew what was gonna happen but didn't know how to type it up so I'm very sorry everyone.....

   I wanna thank those who have put this story on their reading list and for everyone who's been reading this story it means a lot to me hehe anyway imma stop bothering you guys! Bye bye!

   *hides in my secret place*

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