That's What Makes You Beautiful

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Dedicated to Im_a_superhero. I'm so sorry I forgot about this prompt you gave me. I'm also sorry that this isn't my best work. I literally got stood up just the reader did in this prompt and I'm not in the best of moods. At least the reader has Cas.

It wasn't a good day. I felt exhausted and humiliated. I bailed on the boys for their night out to go out on a date, only to be stood up at the very last minute. Since I didn't have the car and couldn't be bothered to take a cab, I walked back to the bunker.

I walk in and flop myself on the couch, letting out a frustrated sigh. Then after having that out, I walked to the kitchen and got myself some ice cream. I set up my laptop and started watching the typical chick flicks that make you cry. I have no idea why I'm even going through with the break up rituals when nothing even happened.

Halfway through the movies, I started openly yelling at the characters for being massive idiots. At the moment I was watching The Deep Blue Sea, because Tom Hiddleston always makes everything better.

"OHMYGOD HESTA YOU FUCKING IDIOT! No wonder, Freddie blew up at you."

"Oh god who am I kidding, I'm just as pathetic as Hesta. I want my own Freddie now." The movie finally ended and I was in tears as usual. I buried my head in my hands and started yelling at myself.

"You're a fucking idiot, [Y/N]. Who gets stood up twice? Clearly there's something wrong with me. I bet it's the fact that I look like a guy. The perks of being a fucking hunter. This is why no one will so much as to take a liking for me." I just keep rumbling to myself, feeling upset when Cas pops out of nowhere. I was so startled to the point I fell off the couch. Cas helped me up and I was sitting back on the couch, looking up at him with curious eyes.

"Hey Cas, aren't you supposed to be out with Sam and Dean?"

"Yes but I felt your presence back in the bunker, [Y/N]. Did the date not go well?"

"Nope, the loser didn't show up so I came back to the bunker."

"You don't look like a boy, [Y/N]. I don't understand your short hair and braveness is what makes you beautiful." Oh, so he heard. I could feel the blush colouring my cheeks.

"You heard that, huh? It doesn't make me look beautiful, I could pass off as a Winchester brother." I scoff. Cas does his signature head tilt.

"But [Y/N], you are beautiful." I wave him off.

"You're only saying that because you're my friend."

"[Y/N], you know I only speak of the truth." I just give him the look and he turns away sheepishly. We all know Cas has lied here and there but of course he wouldn't be lying about this. Yet I just don't want to believe that a superior being like Cas could find me even remotely attractive.

"Okay Cas. I'm 'beautiful', even though I'll never believe it myself. Thanks for the compliment. Now I'm really exhausted and I'm going to bed." I tell him before disappearing into my room.

The moment my body hits the mattress, I bury my face into the pillow and start crying. It's a good thing the pillow muffled my sobs and no one could hear me, otherwise that would be just plain embarrassing. Before I realized it, I had dozed off, crying myself to sleep.

When I woke, I felt strong arms around me, cradling me. I looked up and realized it was Cas. I smiled to myself before snuggling closer to him.

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