Put That Tablet Where It Came From Or So Help Me

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Dedicating this to @MidnightsLaughter for the prompt, and I’m sorry this came later than expected. I’ve been hella busy and sick. Finally I sat down to write down all the prompts/requests I have received over the course of November.

“Kevin, I’m bored.” I whined from across the table where Kevin was translating the tablet as usual. I was reading my book earlier but I had finished rereading most of them so I decided to bug Kevin.

“Good for you, [Y/N].” Kevin brushed me off nonchalantly. I was offended; usually Kevin would be more amusing than that.

“Aww come on Kevin, don’t be a bore.”

“[Y/N], I’m busy.” 

“And I’m bored!” I snap, feeling restless. My raised voice must have startled him because finally he looked up at me. I was hopeful that he would finally ease my boredom but nope. He just looked me straight in the eye and sighed,

“Can’t you go bother Sam and Dean for a change?” I shake my head no vigorously.

“Nope. They are out on a hunt and they left me in charge. So you have to do what I say. I’m bored so entertain me with your geeky ways.” I give him a smug look. He just glares back.

 “Why would they leave you in charge?”

“Because I’m older. Duh.” I stick my tongue out at him.

“This is why you failed Math, [Y/N]. I’m older than you.”

“No, you’re not.”

“Yes I am.”

“Nope, not according to the Winchester Watch.”

 “What’s the Winchester Watch? Please do enlighten me, [Y/N].”

 “I’ve known the Winchesters longer than you have so by right I’m older!” I could barely hold in my laughter. Kevin looked absolutely exasperated.

“That makes no sense!” He raises his hands in frustration.

“It doesn’t have to. I’m older, end of story.” I smirk at him. He finally gives up, shakes his head lightly at me before he goes back to his precious tablet. I pout, feeling neglected.

Then it hits me. Why didn’t I do it earlier? I sneak up behind Kevin before his voice stops me,

 “Don’t even try, [Y/N]. I know all your tricks.” Or so he thinks. I pretend to stop.

“Yeah you do…but not this one. MWAHHAHHAHAH.”  I crackle as I swipe the tablet from the table and Usain Bolt my way to the library. I hide behind my secret shelf. Of course the bunker library had a secret shelf and I made it into my own personal library. No one knew about it except Charlie. Kevin wouldn’t be able to find me and I felt triumph.

“[Y/N]…I know you’re here somewhere.” He said in a taunting manner. He couldn’t possibly know about the secret shelf.

“I know you have a secret shelf here.” SHIT. He just better not touch the Supernatural series and I’m good. The shelf creaked opened and revealed Kevin. I spoke too soon. I gave him a little awkward wave before attempting to bolt again. He caught me and held me close to his body.

 “You aren’t going anywhere. Now where’s the tablet?” I give him a cheeky smirk. 

“Now, you’re fun. And your precious is in my bra.” He turned red, typically and puts me down.

“You’re so crude.” I roll my eyes at his innocence. I slip the tablet out of my bra and wave the tablet tauntingly in his face.

“You’re so innocent.” I mimic him. He pulls me close to him once again. This time it felt different. He leans down and kisses me. I’m caught off guard but I kiss back. I did take a liking when I first met him. Then I feel him pull back and now he waves the tablet tauntingly in my face. I glare at him.

“HEY! That’s cheating, asshat!”

“You liked it though.”

“Well at least you cured my boredom.”

“Now that’s settled, do you want to help me with the translating?”

“Foinee.” I say as we link arms and head back to his research table.

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