Meeting the Archangels

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You've been dating Gabriel for about a year and he wanted you to meet his brothers; the other Archangels, Michael, Lucifer and Raphael. You've heard all the childhood stories about them. You knew Luci was the closest to Gabe, Michael kept them all under control before their pranks could get out hand, and they all could barely get along with Raphael.

You were determined to make all of them like you so you set to work. Luci was the easiest to get along, judging from all the stories Gabe has told you, you and Luci were more alike than you could imagine. With Michael, you probably needed to adopt a mature aura, which should be easy enough. It was Raphael whom you had trouble figuring out since he was skeptic about almost everything.

You wandered around your room, looking for something that would surely impress an Archangel like Raphael. Then out of the corner of your eye, you caught sight of your old magic set. You smiled to yourself and went to pick it up.

Oh, Raphael is in for a pleasant surprise.


Since Gabe was the only one who had a proper apartment on Earth, the Archangels all decided to meet you and visit Gabe at the apartment. So the next day, Gabe and yourself got your apartment ready for their arrival.

Michael was typically the first one to arrived. Gabriel left you to entertain Michael whilst he handled the snacks and lunch since you couldn't cook to save your life. At first it was awkward with Michael but soon enough you got the ball rolling and the two of you fell into casual conversation.

Just when Michael was asking how Gabe was, Lucifer just popped in front of you and gave a little bow,

"Ah, you must be the lady dear little Gabey must be raving about. Satan, King of Hell, whatever you want to call me but honestly I prefer Lucifer. But the pretty lady can call me Luci, anyday." He sent a flirty wink and smirk your way. You playfully rolled your eyes at him,

"The nortorious Lucifer. Pleasure is mine, really. I'm [Y/N], now take a seat while I get the snacks from Gabe." You pull out a chair and gesture for him to sit. He plops himself on the chair and it releases the most obnoxious fart noise you could imagine. You pretend to look innocent and pointed in the direction of the loo,

"Woah...that was a big one, the loo is just that way."

"Real classy, [LastName]. Gabe! I really like this girl! I approve." he nodded approvingly. You give him your cheekiest smile and before you could get the snacks, the doorbell rings. You mentally groan, knowing that Raphael is going to kill the cheery mood you've already tried so hard to establish. Putting on your best poker face, you walk over to the door and open it, welcoming Raphael with a smile.

"Hello, I'm [Y/N]. Its nice to meet you." You take his hand and shake it. He gingerly pulls his hand away. Then he proceeds to make a show of how he stares you down in a very condescending way. You really wanted to roll your eyes at his rude behaviour but you decide to be the bigger person and pretend not to notice and, invite him in. He walks in, not even taking a second glance at you. Rude.

You leave the archangels and head to the kitchen to grab the snacks from Gabe.

"Gabe! I can't do this. I didn't expect Raphael to be this hostile. I swear if he ruins my day; that sucker has my fist coming at him." you complain. When you see Gabe's expression, you immediately feel bad. All he wanted was for his girlfriend and his brothers to get along and here you were whining about Raphael even though you had every right to. You walk towards Gabe and wrap an arm around his waist, resting your head on his shoulder.

"Sorry. The stress of being the perfect girlfriend is just getting to me. I'll try harder to be nicer to him." You explain. Gabe just holds you closer to him and taps your nose, an old habit.

"Nah, you don't have to be the perfect girlfriend, just be you. As for Raphael, I'll handle him and tell them I'm bringing lunch soon. Now go out there and convince them you're awesome." he gives you a reassuring wink. You give him a quick kiss before walking out with the snacks for them.

The moment you walk into the living you could feel the tense air between the brothers.

'No matter what, Lucifer was still Satan, Michael the only sane one, and Raphael just wants superiority over humans...geez no wonder the guy hates me.' you think to yourself.

"Hey guys, I brought snacks. I know you don't eat being angels, but Gabe said you'd enjoy these." You pass the plates of candies and titbits around.

You sat down and joined them in small talk. Then Raphael typically interrupted you,

"What I do not understand is why would Gabriel want to have a dull mortal like you around him?" You curl up your fists ready to punch him and then you remembered your magic tricks. That was exactly the reason why you spent the whole of yesterday trying to re-learn your old magic tricks; just to show that you weren't any ordinary human. You expected one of them to comment on the fact that Gabe was dating a human so you were prepared.

"Raph, can I call you that? Am I really an ordinary mortal?" You ask him with a smug tone as you take one of the big fortune cookies and break it open to reveal a baby mouse. You look up at their reactions and you could see Raphael was impressed. You gave him a smile and almost immediately he gave you his bitch face again. You wanted to throw the mouse at him but you were against animal cruelty.

"Ha! [Y/N], that's the oldest trick in the book but nice try. Let's see if you could top this." Lucifer commented before making a dove appear from his bare hands. You scoff at him,

"Show off!"

Soon it had turned into a mini competition of who could pull off the best magic trick and slowly you could feel the tension dissolving. Then finally, Gabe came in with lunch.

"What is this magical sound I'm hearing? Laughter? From my brothers?" Gabe geniunely looked surprised. You along with the angels laughed it off while you all helped set up the dining table.


Finally the day came to end and the angels had to head off. You and Luci had really hit off and he was practically your new older brother. You two shared a hug which ended in a quick tickle fight before he took off. You lent Michael your favpurite book to read so that you could discuss it the next time he came over. Raphael and you were still a tad awkward but he was nicer at the end of the day. He initated the hand shake this time,

"Thank you for having me, [Y/N]. You also showed me that you mortals aren't half bad."

"We really aren't." you smile and pull out a dollar from his ear and hand it to him, giving him a cheeky wink.

Well your archangel (inevitable) brother-in-laws weren't half bad either.

It took me forever to decide what imagine to write for my 5K reads. At first it was pretty depressing imagine and then I was like 'I'm celebrating!" So what the hell, I'm gonna write one with angels and magic tricks! (BTW I was binge watching HIMYM so Barney sorta inspired me to write about magic tricks

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