Making Deals with Lucifer

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I was always a shy and awkward person. Never really had any friends until I came across him and made the deal. It was a cold November night, I was walking back home from the library, so absorbed in my book that I didn't see him walking towards me and I crashed right into him. We fell to the floor. My eyes widen in fear, afraid that the stranger was going to hurt me. I lowered my guard when I saw an ordinary man; lean, attractive and relatively harmless. He stood up and held out a hand for me. He pulled me up and gave me a charming smile.

"Are you alright, sweetheart?" I nodded meekly before squeaking quietly,

"Sorry for running into you."

"Oh, it's all right." he whispered softly as he stroked my cheek. Now he was getting creepy. I stepped back from his touch.

"Um...I ought to be going." I tell him nervously as I slip away and hurry down the street. I slow down once I reach my block. I touched the cheek he stroked; I'd be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it. I fell asleep that night thinking of him with a smile gracing my face for the first time in a while.


I was on my way to my office when I was dragged off to an allyway. I may be awkward and shy around normal people but when I was provoked, I wasn't one to go down without a fight. I thrashed my limbs around, attempting to kick my captors in the face or the family jewels.

"LET GO OF ME! HELP! SOMEONE HELP ME!" I cried out, still struggling. One of them stopped me but covering my mouth with their hand which I bit hard enough to draw blood. The owner of the hand yelped in pain and let go of my legs. I elbowed the other guy holding my arms and struggled to get out of his hold. Out of nowhere, more of the men appear and caught me before I could run off. This time they chained me up. I was about to yell again when they gagged me.

"I'd step away from her if I was you. Now." I heard a fierce voice command them to let me go. I turned to face the owner; it was the stranger I crashed into the night before. My captors made no move to follow his instructions and they just scoffed at him as they carried on dragging me away.

"Don't say I didn't warn you." the stranger said almost in a sing-song manner as he snapped his fingers. Within a split second all of them dropped to floor unconscious. I was free from their tight grip which had left marks. I rubbed my wrists, wincing in pain. The stranger came towards me,

"Are you hurt, [Y/N]?" He held my hands, looking at the red marks on my wrist. He rubbed them twice ad the marks along with the pain disappeared. I took my hands away from his, feeling slightly scared. First he makes half a dozen burly men fall to the ground and now he heals my hands. I had no idea who or what he was, and I didn't like not knowing.

"Who are you? How do you know my name? How did you kill them with your fingers? Are you a wizard?" The questions spilling out of my mouth before I could stop it. Did I really ask him if he was a wizard? I'm an idiot.

"You're not an idiot, [Y/N]. As for your name, you're wearing a nametag." I looked down at my shirt and turned red from embarassment. "I'll explain everything, just not here. Just trust me and take my hand now." I was curious so I reluctantly took his surprisingly warm hand in mine. With a flash, we were standing on top of the Effiel Tower. I had more questions than before. I turned to face him and narrowed my eyes at him,

"I want some goddamn answers now." I practically growled at him with newfound confidence.

"I maybe a quiet person and generally keep to myself but this is unacceptable. One minute I'm being kidnapped and the next you, an attractive stranger rescues me in the most peculiar way possible and brings me to the Effiel Tower. I've had enough and I'd like to wake up from this dream now, thank you." I say frustrated as I jab his chest with every word. 

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