The Thin Line Between Love and Hate

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"No Dean! I am absolutely not doing this! Not even in another life would I do this, even for the two of you. I don't understand why you can't ask your stupid boyfriend!" Dean and Sam had been trying to get you to go on a date with Lucifer for a while now. They needed the information from him to track down Crowley for some bloody reason. The only way Lucifer agreed to give the info was for you to go on a date with him. Ever since they made the deal, they have been bugging you to go on that date.

"What boyfriend? I don't have a boyfriend!" Dean protested. You snorted and snarkily responded,

"You're so far back in the closet, you've travelled past Narnia." Dean still looked confused. A part of you seriously hoped your brother was playing dumb but unfortunately for you, he wasn't.

"I'm talking about Cas, asshat. He can track down Crowley as easily as Lucifer could. Besides Lucifer is evil....and he gives me the creeps." you shudder at the mere thought of him. He had a pretty good looking vessel but he still couldn't be trusted.

"Cas is not my boyfriend! Sammy!" You roll your eyes at your brother's behaviour, he was acting like a primary school child. Sam rushed into the room in panic when he heard Dean.

"Yeah? What's wrong?" Sam's confused expression really did make him look like a moose; it was adorable.

"Nothing's wrong. Dean just won't admit his undying love for Cas." you and Sam continue teasing Dean until he gives in. He throws his hands up in the air in surrender.

"Fine, fine you don't have to go on that date!" you smirked at him before skipping back to your room. You always win when it comes down to you and Dean.


You were trying to piece together the current case you were working on when the boys knocked on your door, interrupting you. They came in without you even inviting them in. Your brothers were rude and obnoxious but you couldn't help love them.

"You could have at least waited until I invited you all in. I could have been in my bra or something!" you told them off, still concerntrating on the evidence before you.

"But you weren't." Dean shot back.

"Well I could have been! can I help you, idjits?"

"Bobby is a bad influence on you." Sam commented. You smirk at him.

"Well we're taking you out to dinner." Dean cuts in. You raise your eyebrows in question,

"Ooh. What's the occasion?"

"We all need a well deserved break from this case. So we're taking you out to Billy Bombers." You jumped up to hug the both of them; Billy Bombers was your favourite diner. You quickly picked out an outfit mirroring Dean's until the man himself stopped you.

"Actually we got you something." he says before handing you a pretty blue sundress.

"Its beautiful, Dean but you know I always match you when I goto Billy Bombers."

"Well we got it just for you." Sam pitched in. You smiled at him and took the dress. You then chased the boys out and told them to give you fifteen minutes.

True to your word, in fifteen minutes you were ready to go. You linked arms with your brothers as you all headed to the Impala.


You practically run into the diner but Dean swearing stopped you short from running in. You turn around to see smoke coming from the Impala's hood.

"Baby's a bit outrun today, let me see if I can fix her up. You go ahead in, [Y/N]. Sammy and I'll catch up." You nod your head at them and make your way in. You find a booth close to a window and look through the menu.

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