Bullying the Demon

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Its been a month since Dean had turned. You and Sam decided to have some fun with him. You drew a demon trap big enough to hold all of Dean's prized processions while Sam mixed his beer with holy water and filled a spray bottle with holy water as well. You took the keys to the Impala, his pies, the Samulet, as well as his gross condoms and put in all inside the trap. The reason you and Sam were plotting this was because Dean had forgotten your birthday and you had been giving him the silent treatment for a few days now while he had broken Sam's laptop again by going on that horrendous porn website.

"I can't wait til he wakes up!" you practically jump up and down. Sam smirks down at you and gestures to the spray bottle.

"Well why don't we do it ourselves?" You return the smile and the two of you head to Dean's room. You pick up the spray bottle and start spraying at Dean,

"WAKE UP LAZY BUM!" You screamed in his ear. He wakes up with a jolt and his skin slightly burning. Dean just looks up at the two of you, half terrified, half confused.

"What the hell, Sammy! [Y/N]!" he yelled. You two just grin evilly at him and ask about driving in Baby.

"So can I drive Baby?" you ask in your most innocent voice. Dean, still being sleepy, squints at you.

"No.." and he reaches for his keys by his nightstand only to find them missing. He then throws his duvet over and gets out of bed.

"Okay games over, where's the keys, guys?" You just giggle and Sam whistles in amusement. Dean let out an exasperated sigh and looked up at you, his candy apple orbs piercing through your very soul. You roll your eyes at him,

"Nice try, big boy, you're going to have try harder than that." you tease him. He then leaves the room to find the keys and you along with Sam follow behind.

The moment he reaches the kitchen, he spots the beer bottle. As expected, he grabs it and chugs the contents down his throat which now starts to burn. He chokes on the 'holy beer' and turns to angrily,

"THIS ISN'T FUNNY, [Y/N]!!!" Dean's apple green orbs turn plain black as you were swung to the nearest wall and you hit your head hard enough to be concussed. He takes in what had just happened and his eyes turn back to their original green colour as he rushes towards you. He kneels down to you and cups your head.

"SAMMY! I MAY HAVE CONCUSSED [Y/N]! GET IN HERE!" Dean yells. Your vision slowly blurs. You vaguely hear Sam's panicking voice before you blank out.


You wake up with a jolt. You see Castiel hovering over you. You smile up at him,

"Hey Cas, what are you doing here?" you ask in a slightly sleepy tone.

"Well Dean hit you and your head was affected badly so they called me." he said in his usualy husky voice. You nod your head before getting out of the bed and going to find the brothers, especially to apologise to Dean. You finally reach Dean's room and you knock softly before entering.

"Hey Dean." he looks up and backs away, terror clear in his eyes.

"[Y/N], you have stay away...I might hurt you again." you roll your eyes at him, and here you thought something behind you was going to attack.

"Don't be an idjit, Dean Winchester. It was this one time. Now you know better and you're going to be more careful." you sit beside him and interwine your fingers.

"I'm sorry taking mine and Sammy's prank too far. And I love you, dummy so don't you think one concussion is going to scare me away or get rid of me. You're stuck with me for life, Winchester." you grin at him.

"I wouldn't have it any other way."

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