Crowley's Favour

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Dedicated to @officially_kaylee for the prompt. Sorry for the lates, I'm pretty busy with school.

I'm writing this in first person cos I'm too lazy to write in second person. Its hard to write in second person, alright? So just go ahead and put yourself as the persona.


It's all my fault. I should never picked a fight with Sam.  If I hadn't picked that fight, we would be on the couch right now having a movie marathon consisting of all our favourite films. I wouldn't be sitting in these uncomfortable hospital chairs next to a worried Dean being comforted by Castiel at midnight, anxiously waiting for the doctor. Finally, the doctor exits Sam's room and walks towards us.

"Family of Sam Winchester?" Dean and I immediately stand up.

"I'm his brother and this is his girlfriend. Is my brother going to be alright, doctor?" Dean asked. His green eyes have lost their usual spark. The doctor gave us a solemn look and I braced myself for the worst.

"I'm sorry, he didn't make it."

No..this couldn't be happening. With that one sentence, my entire life fell apart. I began sobbing and supported myself against Dean. I cried and cried until I couldn't cry anymore. Dean then got me hot cocoa from a nearby Starbucks and drove us back to the Bunker. Dean carried me out of the Impala and all the way into my bed, he even tucked me in. He offered to sleep in my room with me but I declined. I needed to mourn Sam alone. Thoughout the entire night, I just kept on tossing and turning in bed,  I didn't get a wink of sleep. I miss the way Same would hold me close to him whenever I got nightmares but tonight, the nightmares were all about Sam in the car crash. It's really ironic he died in a very natural way. He didn't deserve to die like thay. Finally, it hit me. I got out of bed, threw on sweatpants and my sweater, and headed to the nearby crossroads. I was going to make a deal.


I arrive at the crossroad and summon Crowley. Crowley and I go way back so I didn't need the typical summoning hexes.

"Hello, love." his charming Scottish accent came from behind me. I turned to face him and didn't even last a minute before I broke down. Crowley pulled me close to him and let me cry on his expensive suit. He has always been the big brother I've always wanted. I look up at him and wipe away stray tears,

"Sorry for ruining your suit."

"This old thing? Its fine, love. I heard about the Moose and I'm sorry but I can only assume that you're here to bring him back." I nodded, signalling him to do whatever he needs to.

"Love, you do know that bring back Sam is going to break every rule under the sun. So I can't give you the 10 years." he told me sadly, I could see the regret on his face. Crowley was the most supportive person in my life before I met the Winchesters. Of course he feels sad for me. I touch his arm reassuringly,

"I expected nothing less, C." I could see him tearing up.

"Crowley? Are you crying?" I asked worriedly. He quickly wiped away the tear and offered me a small smile.

"Oh no, love. This isn't exactly how I pictured you coming back home. You've grown up so much since that 16 year old I met years ago." Now I had started tearing up as well. I hugged him tightky and whisper,

"Let's go home, C."

Crowley then snaps his fingers. San appears from thin air and I run to hug him.

"Sammy! I missed you so much. I love you and don't do anything stupid while I'm gone." I say quickly before I get whisked away to Hell.

"[Y/N], what did you do? Why am I not dead?" Sam knew the answer but he still asked. I gave him a sad look,

"Sam, I'm sorry." just as Crowley says,

"Sorry, mate."

I hold onto Crowley's hand and together we're whisked away to Hell. It looked exactly the way it was before I left.

"Your old room is still left untouched, you can move back in there, if you want." he tells me, trying to ease the heartbreak.

"Oh, C. I feel like I'm 16 again and when I came here the first time. I was vunerable and scared but there's no place like home." I say before heading to my room.

2 weeks later

I've been here barely two weeks and I've managed to cry myself to sleep every night. I love Crowley, Hell and everything but everything is just so much harder without Sam. Finally, Crowley gets sick of me being so miserable that he finally cracks during dinner.

"GODDAMMIT [Y/N]! It drives me nuts everytime I hear your muffled crying from the other room. If you're miserable, just say so. You know I'd do anything to make living here as comfortable as possible."

I usually saved my tears for after dinner but I just broke down on the spot and started blabbing like a baby.

"I miss Sam."

Crowley stalked closer to me and held me close,

"I cannot to do this to my little sister." he says softly to himself before zapping us to a familiar room. I look around, taking in my new surroundings. Crowley had brought me to the bunker. I had missed this place so much. As if on cue, Sam walks in. I run to hug him when he pushes me away.

"No. You're not real. You just one of Lucifer's illusions." he murmers to himself. He looked so lost and heartbroken; he had officially lost it. I'm not sure what made me do it but I raised my hand to his face and gve him a hard slap.

"Samuel Winchester! I'm real and you better believe it!" I tell him before hugging him close again. Sam leans into the hug and seemed to never want to let go. After a while, he finally lets go. He looks back to see Crowley and gives him a subtle head nod. Crowley returns the greeting and tells him,

"Take good care of her, or I'll hunt you down myself, Moose." with that my brother disappears back to Hell.

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